Sunday 19 July 2009

Pornography and Stripclubs

Now, strange title for a blog post yes? Well I am proposing to put something up for discussion. You see, for reasons I can't quite recall, both these things were discussed while we were on a beach on holiday one day/evening. Bascially, as usual, Bex and Marnie had completly different opinions to me. They both "disagree" with both of the above things. Bex actually called it "cheating on your own mind", I think that's rather extreme, it also doesn't make much sense.

I tried to explain, men think very different to women. Men, have always been, very sexual, there's no two ways about it. Women can also be just as sexual but I find, it's rarer. This is proven through the fact, there are very few male strip clubs, and those that do exist, are probably FOR men! Also, women generally don't like or look at porn, I mean, how many porn magazines do you see aimed at women? Now, of course as with any stereotype, there are going to be exceptions that's granted but I'm talking about the majority here.

Marnie said that if her boyfriend went to a strip club, she'd break up with him. Now isn't that a little extreme?! I mean personally, I don't like them either but I wouldn't be so mad as to break up with someone! It's fair enough saying, you don't agree with it and prefered if they didn't go there again but splitting up over something so trivial seems insane to me. Bex wasn't so extreme, but she said she would be angry.

We also spoke of men finding other women attractive, whether they be real (any woman on the street, for example) or "fiction" e.g. celebrities, unattainable women. Again, neither of them agreed this was a good thing. But women find men attractive all the time, okay, we may not be as vocal about it but how would they feel if they made a comment about how good Brad Pitt looks and their boyfriend bit their head off about it? It would be silly, right? Marnie made the point that as long as the man said, "I find "x" attractive but I prefer you" that would be okay. I get her point but I think that's showing up her real insecurities.

Bex also went on about this idea that because men are so sexual, they should "protect themselves" from it. A very Catholic sort of thing to say and she isn't catholic! it's not something you can protect yourself from, it's a primal instict. I spose things are different for her though as she's only going to get in a relationship with someone who believes in no sex before marriage. I don't see anything wrong with porn, it's been around since the dawn of time. Only a few decades ago was porn considered to be a woman showing her ankles! Now of course, they show alot more. And I know it's not a good thing, it's not particually flattering to women but unfortunatly we've always been seen as sex objects and, yes, we embrace it! We WANT to be sexy and attractive. I always think of the animal kingdom. The male of the species is always the pretty one, the one with all the colours and who does the attractive dance/mating call. Except with humans, it's the opposite way around. I believe women were made to be the attractive ones, to attract the males. It's in-built into us all, we can't help it, it's instinct. It's just how you handle that raw instinct.

Marnie said (and she's said this before) she wishes she thought like me, I'm more relaxed about everything. I probably am too relaxed, but I'm just trying to not be so narrow minded. I've always had a fairly open mind and I would like to keep it that way. Bex however, said she was glad she doesn't think like me (charming eh!), I guess she just doesn't agree with my views, which is fair enough. But an interesting discussion don't you think? Basically, just because you disagree with something, doesn't make it wrong. Everyone has different tastes. But if something does bother you, DO say, there's no point getting upset about it behind their back.

Well, that's the debate for today, or should I say mass-debate :P

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    This post is all about the strip show. This club is just suitable for the Gentlemen. They will get peak level entertainment. Nice post. Thank you for sharing this post...
    Strip Show
