Tuesday 21 July 2009

Cleaning out my closet

Today my mother tried to talk to me about my "attitude". I explained to her, that dad winds me up and then he wonders why I flip my lid at him. I also explained, I have nothing else to do and I can't get a job because no one will employ me for a month. It takes a month to train and sort out pay anyway! So unless I work illegally, cash in hand, it ain't gunna happen.

Anyway, my parents forced me to clear up my room today, which meant I had to take everything off the shelves, throw anything I didn't want away or give it to dad to stick on ebay for me and dust everything. Because I have so many figures and statues, this was going to take a while...I was angry at first but I guess it gives me something to do and I really did need to get rid of a load of crap. I didn't realise how many sypro, tomb raider, crash bandicoot figures and stuff I really had! I got rid of a lot of soft toys and stuff but I've still got a lot of reptiles, gragons anf monkeys...ahh well. Forever a child :)

Now everything is a lot more clean and spacious. I like it. I won't be here for much longer though I hope, God knows how I'm going to decide what to take with me to Uni...a couple of "precious things" I guess. My angel Stitch is definatly coming with me, that's decided. I'm also going to take some photos and stuff with me. I want to make a photo montage of all my friends, I love looking at photos, good times! You also discover alot of stuff when you end up tidying up, for example, I realised how much fancy dress stuff I have! I will never be stumped for a costume again! I'll probably end up buying more though...I love fancy dress way too much for my own mental health hehe.

Don't you hate it when you can see your mates splitting up but there's nothing you can do about it? I really, really wish everyone could just get along. Why is it so hard to say sorry, to forgive and forget. I promised to someone today, no matter what we go through, i'd never be so mad at them that we couldn't be friends. There's no way I want to lose them. I love all my friends way too dearly :) <3

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