Sunday 5 July 2009

Miserable Mates

Well, last night was a huge disapointment. And I shall tell you why...

I was really looking foward to last night, I had about 4 rum and cokes in me and I was a little bit giggly but I wasn't drunk, at least I didn't think I was. I was all up for dancing the night away, I hadn't looked foward to a night out in a long while but it seems sometimes the ones you look foward to the most, turn out to be the worst. We got to Route 66 late because Bex had left the previous party she was at late. This meant that not only did she have to pay for parking (since I was one of the only people with change so I paid a third of it) but we also had to pay to get into route. It was a fiver to get into route (before 11 it was free) I was pissed off because I don't have money to spend on getting into clubs. I wasn't angry at Bex though, it's very hard to be angry at her and it was nice she gave us a lift. Bex had no money to get in either so I had to pay for her too. By this time I literally had no money left, I'd taken £30 with me and been left with nothing. I was not amused. £20 went to Marnie to pay for the airport taxi on the way back from our holiday (it will cost us £18 each) so now they both owe me money back.

Anyway despite having to pay I still wanted to have a good time and forget about it. When we got in and went upstairs to the VIP area Jo, Jo's sister, Kirsty, Yaz, Adam and Amy were there, all having a great time. I thought this was fantastic, the music was good, if a little cheesy but it was good stuff you could sing and dance to which is exactly what I like. Everyone was dancing apart from Alice and even Marnie (which confused me as Marn usually dances!). Alice in particular seemed to be being a miserable bitch. Anyway, Adam was really going for the dancing, he looked like a fool but I loved his sense of not caring and I danced with everyone there. I got a bit too involved and ended up hitting some guy who walked past me with my arm! Nothard, of course but I said sorry and he just winked at me and kept walking so he must have been cool with it. Jo and Yaz and that disappeared at one point and we didn't know where they were, Adam and Amy had to go home because Adam had to be up at 6 for work but I was gutted they left because they were having fun.

We finally found Jo and CO on the main dance floor but the dancing was interupted with a rather stupid eating contest. Anyway when that was over normal dancing resumed. Me and Bex were dancing with Alice who was literally stood there completly stationary. I'm not kidding she must have looked like a right twat because she was the only personon the dancefloor not dancing. It was annoying me because it was clear she wasn't having a good time and I couldn't understand why she couldn't just let go and have fun! Then all of a sudden Marnie was telling us we had to leave because Jo had left. I was really pissed off now. I said I was angry because I'd paid £5 to get in here and we'd been there and hour and half max. It was a fucking piss take! I know it's Jo's birthday and we have to do whatever she wants but I just wanted to dance and have fun and I couldn't understand why everyone else couldn't do the same? Jo kept disappearing so I didn't actually see her half the night anyway!

Bex said we could stay a little longer, just me and her but I knew everyone would hate us for staying so we left with the others. Now Alice and Marnie were convincing Jo to go to the Reg (a student bar) only because they love it! Which is what really pissed me off! Jo had no idea what to do and she was getting all emotional (I blame booze) saying that she couldn't hear anyone in the nightclub. Well what did you expect it to be like?! I knew this was her first time but come on girl! Duh! So reluctantly we all headed off to the Reg, Kirsty was nervous because she had problems in school and didn't want to see people from our old school there which I completly understood. Funny how that later Alice was calling Kirsty the bitch for not wanting to come to the Reg! Ha! At least she was enjoying herself at Route unlike you! I was really tempted to have a go at Alice that night.

I was a bit pissed off when we got to the Reg, I thought I was never going to cheer up but then the song Paradise City came on. One of my all time favourites. Me and Kirsty got up and started dancing and singing away. Then we went over to the bar to see Yaz and I was still singing and some really fat guy came and stood next to me and started singing really loudly along with me! He was a fucking legend! I love him, he was awesome! He knew how to have a good time! I wondered back over to where everyone was sat. I saw Alice was singing but as soon as I started singing too see stopped. Then it suddenly hit me. Does she think I'm an embarassment? I say this because she had moaned before when she went to a gig and Marn and Bex came, Marna dn Bex were dancing and Alice disaproved because they looked stupid and no one else was dancing. How horrible is that to think of your own friends?! How can your friends embarass you? Alice clearly worries too much about what other people think of her. When I'm out and about and people are singing and dancing with enthusiasm I love it! Like that random fat guy! So instead she makes herself look like a girl who doesn't know how to have fun. Her funeral I suppose. And she wonders why when she's out why Jess gets all the attention and not her. Because jess likes to have fun and clearly, you can't let go of yourself for a second and I think that's a real shame.

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