Sunday 16 August 2009


Me, marnie and Bex did eventually decide to go pubbing rather than clubbing last night. I thought I'd better drag myself out and cheer myself up, I was a bit worried I wasn't going to be in a chatty mood but that soon changed. I got out of my baggy jeans and t-shirt into something a bit nicer and walked off down to Bex. Bex drove us there because she doesn't really drink so she doesn't mind driving us around and not drinking which is such a massive plus for us because we can't really afford taxis too often.

We headed off to Old Portsmouth first and went into Spice Island, lovely pub. The food looks (and apparently is) yummy too. I'll have to eat there sometime! Anyway I got a bottle of cider whilst Marnie stuck to her usual spiced rum and coke, we were there for 2 hours before we then decided we want some chips so we went back to the car. Bex noticed there was a bit of wire coming from under her car. She was scared it was a bomb or something. I said "For goodness sake it's just a bit of string or something that's caught in it". So I grabbed the wire and it was just see-through wire, on closer inspection it was just a fish hook that had somehow got stuck under the car but (thank goodness) it wasn't in the wheel or anything. Bex was scared of it for some reason and Marnie stayed well back, letting us get on with it. Bex unhooked it from the car and I told her to throw it away or at least put it somewhere it's not going to get stuck onto another car. As she walked away the string was still attached to my and Marnie's leg. Bex freaked out and dropped it, wondering what it was attached too. I unwrapped it from our legs. They were both being so dramatic! It's just a fish hook. And then Bex kept going on about how she might have HIV now. It's been in a fish, not a human! Oh dear.

I suggested we head back home to get chips because the Chinese do lovely, very generious portions of chips for a pound! Utter bargain! So we got some of those, went back to Bexs and consummed them before heading back out to go to the Reg. The Reg is a student pub so drinks are fairly cheap, you're bound to see someone you know and they play rock music. It's great. I got myself a glass of Pimms and we sat by the pool table to play pool. Bex and Marnie were against each other first of all. Jake came and got involved, treating them like silly girls who don't know how to play. Funny that Marnie completly thrashed Bex and Marnie had been drinking! Marnie said to me she thought Bex was flirting with jake, I said that's just how she acts around boys, she doesn't mean to seem flirty and I'm sure the boys never pick up on it anyway. Even if she did, so what, she's single she's allowed, nothing wrong with it. Marnie annoys me way more, I'm not sure if she actually is as ditzy as she acts or whether she puts it on! She says really stupid things sometimes and yes, we all have blonde moments but Marnie just comes across...differently. I don't know. She's just a little bit odd suppose.

Anyway I'd payed for their game of pool and hadn't got to play yet! So Marnie went off to find someone I could play with. I tried to stop her, I didn't want to play with someone I didn't really know because I've never played a proper game of pool before and I didn't want to look like and idiot! I know the rules of pool, their easy but when it comes to physically play it...I'd never done that. Marnie found someone, it was Joff. I knew who he was, he used to go to my school and he was in my film studies class but I never talked to him. I think I told him I liked his t-shirt once but that was about it and he didn't really respond...but anyway he came over and set up the game. I had to break. I failed miserably on that part! I wasn't doing very well when Jake came back and helped me on one shot. He lined me up properly, adjusted how I was holding the stick and such. He then told me to take the shot and it went in!! I thanked him for his help and he smiled, put his thumbs up and walked off again. I'm glad he left me to play by myself for the rest of the game, I didn't want someone helping me too much. I didn't do too bad actually. Joff was great and of course he won but by the end of the game I only had 2 more balls to pot. So it wasn't too bad, I did take some nice shots. He shook my hand at the end and said "good game" and walked off. It was much fun, really enjoyed myself and Joff was a good sportsman about things.

After that we went and sat with a group of people we knew from school/college but they didn't really talk to us. Kerry put a wine glass down too hard and smashed it which was quite funny. She must have been drunk, the doorman came over to see what was going on and she got a bit lairy but luckily he didn't hear most of the things she said. We cleared up the glass that had bounced off my leg, close call that. Then one of the best songs came on "The power of love" by Huey Lewis and The News. Marnie said something negative about love. I wish she'd stop doing that, it puts a downer on things and plus she has a boyfriend, who loves her, who she's been dating for about 5 years. They had an arguement before she came out with us (typical, I swear everytime she's just about to go out, something happens and she moands about it) so of course she wasn't in the best of moods about BJay. If they argue so much then just split up and shut the fuck up about it. If they're happy, then stop being to damn negative. I really hope my future relationships don't get like that, although it's guarenteed they will really isn't it? Something nice to look foward to...

We were tired by about quarter past 1 so we said goodbye to the people who cared and left. All in all it was a good night and I'm glad I went I had fun in the end. There were a few annoying niggly things as usual, but you just got to ignore those annoyances I suppose.

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