Saturday 8 August 2009

Another uneventful day

Not even sure why I'm bothering to blog! I literally have spent the day on the computer and ps3 (playing COD4). One of my controllers is fucked because of COD4 so if you ever see me during a game, randomly walking fowards, that's why. My dad is going to get another one though, he's saved up over 10,000 Sony points on his Sony card so he can get one for free with them, sweet!

I am trying to convince my parents to get me a PS3 for uni. My dad found one, second hand in Cex for £205, only 40GB memory but nowadays you can buy SATA drives for so cheap, there's no point getting a bigger hard drive straight away because it will get replaced eventually anyway. I said if I could have it as a birthday present (bearing in mind, the biggest Bday present i've ever got is £100, compared to most kids...that's nothing lol). My mum said joint birthday and xmas present maybe. I said, fine! Great! I'm happy with that!!! Nothing else I'd want anyway, I know I'll just end up with loads of "useful" shit for uni anyway as presents this year (oh the joy!). So yes, I'm praying that's what I get. My mum insisted that I needed to first see whether I had time to play games at uni, is she insane?! You have shit loads of time at uni! Plus I can't give up gaming, it's my life. It would be like asking my mates Alice to give up going to gigs (she's a music nut), she wouldn't do it. She'd spend her last tenner going to a gig I swear. It's part of my life, you can't take that away from me! hehe.

I found out the other day, the size of my loan for Uni, is going to be over 8K a year. So, at the end of it all, I'm going to be over £22,000 in debt. Great. Fantastic. Nice start to my life. Ahh well, I don't really care, uni is going to be a blast I hope. 12 days until I find out my results! Eeek!

Found out yesterday my auntie has swine flu, not sure where she's got it from because she doesn't work anymore (she injured her hand badly) but maybe Alan (my uncle) brought it home from work? He does drive a hospital transport van! Oh well, I haven't seen them in ages, they live about 30 minutes away so we are quite safe, just as long as my grandparents don't get it!

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