Sunday 4 October 2009


Saturday was spent mostly with me and Ellie walking around town trying to find jobs. We were so shocked to find most places were in fact employing. I jumped for joy when 2 Games were taking on new staff! GET! We walked around, made a list of places who were employing, some online and some with CVs then we headed back to adjust our CVs. When I got back, I realised what an idiot I'd been! My CV wasn't on my laptop! Nooooo! So many frantic phone calls later to home, my dad eventually rung back and asked how to send my CV to me. He did so and then I started adjusting. I tailored it towards Game to give myself a better opportunity of getting a job there. Ellie spent ages adjusting hers before we put them both on a memory stick then headed to the uni library to print a few copies out.

By this time it was about 3pm. We spent the next 2 hours going around the Bentall centre, giving out CVs and job hunting. It was an exhausting day but highly successful. I just really hope I get a job out of it now! Especially in Game! A job I might actually enjoy doing? Yes please! Discount? Icing on the cake. After we'd given out all our CVs and were starting to get hungry we headed to H+M because I'd seen a Star Wars T-shirt for a tenner I really wanted. I treated myself then we headed home.

After a great night out and a hectic day, I really wanted to sleep. But there were people downstairs in the stairwell, banging doors, screaming, shouting, jumping downstairs, sliding down handrails (and falling off) and they would not stop. I swear this went on from 2am to 4am. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't a happy bunny. Ellie told me the next day it had infact been going on since 11:30pm. Dickheads. I really wanted, at the time, to go downstairs and shout at them to shut the fuck up but I knew that would makes things worse, if they could have got worse. Sigh. Living with other students does have it's downsides...

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