Wednesday 21 October 2009


I've ended up missing out days again! Woops. Well nothing massively interesting has happened, in fact I wanted to talk (or write, even) about the lecture I just had. We are reading a dreadfully awful Hemingway book at the moment but luckily our seminar was mostly about character and how we create characters. The teacher, Laura, asked a bit more about my blog and whether I have characters or not and whether I describe them. It made me realise I very rarely use physical description, I usually describe their characteristics by what they say and what they do. I'm not sure what kind of person this makes me, not vain perhaps? Or maybe just not focused on physical appearance, just personality.

Anyway she gave us an exercise on describing a character like we had just met them. I chose to describe a real person as a character and it really opens up your mind as to what you think of people. It's like picking up things you didn't notice before. They way I ended up describing this person had an almost romantic tone about it even though I am not particularly fond of them at the moment. Saying this, a part of me cannot bear to let them go even though I sometimes feel hatred for them. I think just a part of me finds it really hard to hate or stay mad at people. A good thing or a weakness? I am yet to find out.

It also made me wonder how someone would describe me, would it be nice?, would it be horrible?, would they pick out certain features of me and what would they be? Is there anything striking about me or would you never even notice me if I walked past in the street? I'll never know the answers to these questions but I do wonder. Especially if I find people I know to be interesting I do wonder if someone out there is fascinated with me. Not in a weird way, of course. This has probably partly spawned from watching American Beauty the other night at the film club. Such a good film. Weird but funny. I recommend it defiantly.

Soon, I have to go back to uni for an hour to listen to someone talk about their career and life. Last time I almost fell asleep. So embarrassing. I'm really tired, hope it doesn't happen again. I didn't go to bed late, I blame Alex's drunken texts at 3am! Well, he always blames me so this time he's getting the blame for something, hehe. Then when I come back I have work to do. Sigh. BUT on the massive plus side, I just got an email back from Dan, one of my teachers. I emailed him yesterday about this news story I have to write by Wednesday next week. I'd been worried about what to do and I had a brain wave in the shower (ha) and I thought I could write about MCM! He said a report on the day would be OK but only OK. He thinks if there's controversy about a new game, technology, etc. It could be a possible story. I'm not completely relived but I feel slightly better I now have a possible information source. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open on the day I suppose!

Currently listening to: Sinead Quinn- I can't break down
"Tear don't you fall, eyes don't you cry. Got to get me round this corner, I can't break down, break down."

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