Sunday 25 October 2009


The previous night I had been out clubbing at Escape, a gay club, never been to one before, was quite fun! But anyway I didn't get much sleep but getting up at 7am was pretty easy because I was so exicted for MCM. I got ready pretty quickly and was waiting around for Alex and Moo to arrive. Got a phonecall from Alex asking if I was up and ready because he'd just had to wake up Moo!!! Oopsy haha! Anyway they got round here pretty soon and we walked to the train station. On the way to the train station who did we bump into but none other than John Bentley from the gadget show!!!! Alex stopped him and asked him "Are you the guy from the gadget show?" John replied "Yes, but where's Jessops". We both franticly pointed in the direction he was already heading and he rushed off. Shame he couldn't stop to talk. Me and Alex both squealed like massive fans and high fived. That had made our day already! Exciting times. Alex let me phone my parents to quickly tell them because my dad is a massive fan of the show and especially John. It's fun to wake up parents, hehe.

We all got on the train a bit early because Alex was panicing a little too much about times but it was okay. Me, him and Moo were having a laugh and it was good fun travelling with them both rather than by myself! When we got at Waterloo we were a little too early so we spent the time pissing around, as in that involved Alex chasing me around the station trying to tickle me! Bastard, heh. Then Jen arrived and I got three-way raped somehow, I'm not sure how these things happen, maybe I'm an easy target but there seemed to be a lot of humping going on that day :S. We waited for Iain and Holly to arrive and they did eventually, Holly is absolutly lovely! Oh and Iain got a nasty message from guess who, apparently we'd left someone out but as I distictly remember and everyone knew this, he had got invited by John. He rejected this invitation but now suddenly we're the bad guys? Typical eh. Oh well, we all shrugged our sholders and moved on, it's all been too much and no one can really be arsed anymore.

We all got on the tube, annoyed several passangers I think! One actually got off the train to get into another carriage. We all burst out laughing! Grumpy buisnessmen never cess to amuse! When we got to MCM we waited for John (Me, Jen, Alex and Moo all hid from him and jumped on JB hehe) and then went inside, after we'd stopped gawping at all the cosplayers. Most people were dressed up and some of the costumes were amazing! My favourite was a girl in a beautiful Zelda dress. It was stunning. Alex ran around giving everyone who asked for them free hugs! What a nutter! Shouldn't have let him have coffee that morning...he got over 60 hugs in the end I think! Nice that everyone was so friendly there though, was a good atmosphere.

We only had to queue for a short time and were pondering on the fact of whether to come next year and dress up like everyone else! When we got inside the hall it was very hot and stuffy. There was loads of stuff going on. Moo played against a guy who was pwning everyone at Tekken 6 and beat him! Was amazing. Then I had a go after Moo with this random guy and beat the shit out of him. Such a thrill to do that when you've got a crowd of people watching you and you win! I thought I was going to get my arse handed to me but obviously not. I think I pissed the guy off as after I had squealed with delight at beating him, he stormed off. Jen didn't feel too well so we went outside for a bit and had lunch. When me, Alex and John were queuing up for food a random guy infront of us started talking to us. I noticed his shirt and asked if he was from Konami, he said no but he works fora company that works with them. Alex started joking that he wanted this guys t-shirt and he said "You can have it if you sell your girlfriends soul to me" and pointed at me! I was a bit wtf and Alex explained that we were only friends but yes he could have my soul. I protested and Alex said "don't worry you don't have a soul" and started saying to the Konami man that I was a evil little minx, etc. I think he may have over-excited that guy! Dear oh dear...the people we meet!

When we eventually went back in the hall, Jen felt better and we were in there until it closed. We saw Avatar the game in 3D which was amazing! I got my news story too by going to a Q+A and asking the developers for some more information and they were very friendly and helped me out so much! So now I don't have to worry about finding a news story! YAY. Got some free Avatar stuff, watched Holly play some Bayonetta which seems to be completly mental, saw Tom Baker (made my mum jealous) and Alex played left for Dead 2 which didn't seem that great really and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about surrounding that game. After a long tiring day Alex had the idea to go to the Troc and get Holly some dogtags. So we got on the tube and went there. Bossman distracted Holly with Time Crisis 4 while me and Alex sneaked off to find the dogtags machine. We had to ask around but we eventually found it and sorted that out then met up with the others. We played a couple of arcade games before going to get some food at Pizza Express which was yummy! Alex did a speech, we held a quiet moment for Martyn who we all missed dearly and then we gave Holly her dogtag. I think she was really touched! New member ftw, we all love her and think she's great so it's all good :D. As we got up to leave Alex broke a vase, d'oh!

We all had a group hug in the middle of the street which was funny before JB had to head off home. We walked to the tube and said bye to Holly, Iain and Jen who had to be off on their way. Me, Moo and Alex decided we should probably get going too, no time for pudding unfortunatly! So we got to Waterloo, waited around for our train and off we went. Had a good old chat on the way home, got off at Kingston and walked back to my halls. The guys came in for a bit so Alex could sort out some photos onto my computer, they look good but I need a special software before I can post them on facebook so Alex will try and bring that round soon I hope. Matt and Alex briefly met my friends who were hanging out in the kitchen watching Team America. Then Matt and Alex left (after Alex forgetting to take over 9000 things) and I went into the kitchen to watch the end of TA and I then told them all about my day. I brought back some posters too to brighten up the kitchen so yay!

The internet in my room isn't working at the moment! Sad face. Think my port is all fucked up, it's always been dodgy so I'm borrowing Ellie's for a little while but I think I better give it back to her now! Hopefully reception will come and take a look at my socket (oo err) and they better bloody fix it because I badly need the internet!!!!!

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