I had the most awful sleep last night. I didn't got bed until it was almost 3 which I suppose didn't help. Too many people online and I wasn't tired at all. I only went before 3 because I was afraid my dad would have a go at me again so I went to bed. I woke up at around 6am, couldn't get back to sleep, coughing, sniffing, not comfortable, the usual stuff that keeps you up when you have cold. Eventually my mum couldn't take it and kindly went downstairs to get me some water to stop me coughing. It helped alot but I still found it hard to get back to sleep. I seriously considered sitting downstairs instead of lying in bed but I was so tired. I eventually nodded off back to sleep until about 11. I got up and my family were being very nice to me because they were leaving me alone all day to go to Southampton for shopping.
So I set off updating both PS3s to firmware 3.0! Yay! Some people complain that it's ugly but I think they're just being stupid. It looks fine. I love the sparkly animated background, prettyful!!! And BBC iplayer on the PS3? Epic win! I then settled down to play some more Resident evil. I got a few more missing treasures, just the two really hard ones to do now, greaaaat lol. One more weapon to collect too for the trophy! Then Craig wanted to play with me so I agreed, more insults came including "slow bitch" until I put my headset on, surprise surprise! Although we had great fun when it came to the last boss fight with the on-screen prompts on the plane. I failed to save Chris so Wesker kills him, he both burst out laughing and couldn't stop! I have to idea why it was just so funny!!!! We eventually did it after 12 deaths...on easy....-_-. All that button mashing when Sheva is trying to climb up that ledge fucks up my hand :(.
After that my parents came home and ordered Pizza Hut! Woohoo! My dad had also brought Super Mario Tennis for the Gamecube! We'd been after it for a while because we have all the other Mario games because they are such good fun. Me and dad played a couple of games before the pizza arrived, I was dreadful! Lost every match! It must have been either bad character choices or I wasn't used to the controls because after dinner we played a couple more matches and I beat him. Odd. They've got some really funny tennis courts in that game, for example the Donkey Kong one where little crocodiles attach to you to slow you down and the Luigis mansion ones where ghosts molest you to slow you down and there are other ghosts which throw bananas to slip you up. Absolutly mental but great fun. Dad was getting really competative with me! Men eh? :P
All this constant coughing is starting to give me a headache, please I have had enough of this cold now, I hardly ever get them so this must be punishment for not having any of late. I get the picture, go away now please :(.
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