Since I did SO much yesterday I'm only writing about the really interesting parts so here it goes...
Anyway, I had a very successful Journalism lecture. I was a little scared of writing a news story. Mine wasn't partically good I don't think, at least, the lecturer didn't say anything good or bad about it so I guess it's kind of a plus that I knew I was doing it right! To be fair, he didn't really read any of the articles properly, he was focusing on introductions. Half-way through the lecture a girl in our class asked to leave the room because she felt faint. It was really hot in there and there were no windows you could open or air-conditioning or anything! Poorly designed or what?! I mean, it's a computer room for goodness sake! So she walked outside and all of a sudden we heard this thump sound. She'd passed out in the hallway. So the lecturer spent most of the rest of the lesson sorting it all out! I saw the girl today, she said she was fine so that's good. I understand. I've fainted a couple of times! I'm very sensitive to temperature. At the end of the lecture, Dan (the teacher) asked what kind of follow-up story we could do. I was the first to call out an answer and he disagreed with me at first, then apologised for being a little too harsh, then decided it was actually a really good idea! Got him round to my way of thinking! Win.
I got an email from OPM on facebook asking everyone to submit a little piece about what was there favourite blu ray film and why. I thought I'd send one in, you had to send a picture too so I sent one of my newest ones that I really like. I then got an unexpected reply from Nathan commenting on why I had a gamecube controller in my hand! I explained that I was at uni and therefore could not afford a PS3. He sent another email back. I think with all this correspondence, I might just get in the mag! Another win.
Later on me, Rachel, Lewis and Ellie went to a cinema appriciation society film showing. They were showing superbad. I'd never seen it and it's kind of one of those must-see films, in fact, none of us had seen it! The "president" of the club was really cool and friendly and we met some nice people there. We got free pizza and popcorn! I loved this club already! He explained it was £3 to join and we did all that at reception (I joined today, yay). They're going to do a film showing every week so if I've got nothing to do, might as well go along and see a free film. Superbad was hilarious. If you haven't seen it, see it. It's very, very funny. So very silly but just a classic. We made a new friend at the film showing. This awesome guy called Joe. He was obviously older than us but he was a first year student and he was living at middle mill! I commented that he had good taste, I mean, the guy had a freaking ghostbusters cap that glew in the dark and a Hobgoblin T-shirt! I let him know where to get it for £1 a bottle too, mwahaha!
Afterwards we all headed back to block B and sat in our kitchen. Lewis had said he would make me and Ellie a bacon and egg sandwich because we always make him tea. He said to the others he would go back and get the food because "Ellie and Laura practically had an orgasm when I suggested it so I'd better make them one!". Haha! Next thing I know he's back, with no food, very hyper, suggesting we go bowling for free and saying he'd just drunk Monster energy drink. Oh dear. Ellie wasn't keen on going but Lewis somehow persuaded her so we all set off to go bowling. I couldn't believe it was free but it is! Every tuesday, if they have a lane free, students play for free! Amazing!!! We had to wait for an hour but eventually we played bowling for nothing! Lewis set up the game and at first he put me as "Laura" but since I'd been playing as "Minx" on super smash brawl. He renamed me as Minx! He understands because he saw my dogtag and I explained it was from my gaming clan and he high fived the gaming clan lol. Lewis is a fan of the minions! Kinda...hehe. I wasn't too bad actually, we all had the barriers up except Joe but they didn't really work so only one barrier was up! Lewis one, by cheat tatics but it was good free fun!
Listening to- The Prodigy- Breathe
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