Couldn't get to sleep last night, was too awake really, thinking of all the events of that evening. I did eventually sleep. I then woke up about 8am, rubbing my left eye alot, it felt sore for some reason, I worried that it had got infected again and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and it was blood-shot. No swelling, it wasn't infected but there was a LOT of sleep dust/gooey stuff around it, I wiped it off and washed my face but it still stung a little. It's now been sore all day, gooey stuff it still coming out of it, I don't know where it's all coming from! My cold, which has now been going strong for a week, is obviously affecting all my sinuses :(.
I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't, so I went downstairs at 8:30am. I haven't been up that early for a while! But I really could not get back to sleep because of all the coughing. At some points I cough so damn hard I swear my lungs are going to come shooting out of mouth. It's starting to piss me off. Even so, I was still cheery this morning because everything had got all sorted out last night. The happy mood has kind of gone downhill though because I am so fucking tired, got dark patches under my eyes to show it, from the lack of sleep I got last night. So clearly, I'm not going out tonight for those two reasons.
This afternoon I decided to make a Japanese account to get the uber cool zebra background that everyone had been talking about. I can't read Japanese of course so to help me through the process I used a youtube video which was amazingly helpful to help me set up my account. Then I went onto the store, although everything was in Japanese I easily found the Africa theme. I then decided to look for Iains' crazy cat game, I realised I wasn't going to find it randomly looking through everything on the store so I found the Japanese equivilent of the A-Z section, but of course this was all in symbols. I knew the name of the cat in the game is Toro, so I chose a symbol that was near the end of the list, then more single symbols appeared. So, I looked up the name of the game in Japanese so I could look for the correct symbol and amazingly enough, I had guessed the right page to go to, the symbol I needed was on that page! And so I found Toro's game! Woohoo! Free crazy cat game FTW!
Me and my sister played this game earlier, you get to create your own cat yet Toro remains to be the main character. I chose a female ginger cat, she's very cute! I then worked out it asks you for your age and even blood type! Odd! I figured out how to dress up my cat, create my own t-shirt, play games, and loads more though sheer guesswork! Winrar! Loving this game, me and my sister were pissing ourselves laughing doing exactly what people did at M's, guessing what the cats were saying (because of course everything appears in symbol form!). It's a fantastic game! So happy it was free! Made my day to be honest because everything else has been rubbish :(. Stupid sleep goo is still getting in the way of my eye and because I've had to prod it with my finger all day to get the stuff out of it it's now very sore. Boo cats. Early night tonight I think. So tired :(.
Also, the dream I had this morning included me having perfect bright blue wavy hair and me wanting to show it off, partically to Alex. Weird eh?! Where the fuck did that come from? Blue hair...hmm :/
Yay! Crazy Cat Game FTMFW! :D
ReplyDeleteSounds like conjunctivitis in the eye, get it checked out, also keep an eye if you cough anything up that's yellow it could be a chest infection so you might need antibiotics. Hope it gets better for you <3
ReplyDeleteYep I've been coughing up yellow stuff! Eye is better now though. Think this cold is on its way out. I'll be fine. xxxx