Last night we (Me, Stew, Iain and JB) spent the night spamming Bens' status on facebook because a certain friend of his was a stupid bitch who couldn't take a joke so we had a hilarious time winding her up and spamming Ben into 200+ notifications...woops! He thought it was funny though, we knew he would. Before all this I noticed a pain developing in my rib area, on my right hand side. Iain made a joke about straining my "love muscle", I said "since when was that near my rib?! Yer, punch me in the ribs it really turns me on". We all loled :P. It got worse as the evening went on and when I woke up this morning (again, to a phonecall from Alex) it was painful to move that area, to sneeze, to breathe heavily and cough. It's still the same, I checked in the mirror for bruising and there is none so at least I haven't broken a rib! My dad thinks I've pulled a muscle through coughing, it's the most logical explaination because I spoke to a friend who said he'd put his back out for 3 weeks just from a cough! Mental the power of them sometimes! I've been told to go to the doctors but I really can't be bothered and I don't think there is anything I can do! My mum said to wait until monday and if it hasn't cleared up, then go. Seems fair enough. It has been two weeks of this cold now! Mental.
I think I should have gone back to sleep after Alex called me because I had breakfast, got changed then ended up sleeping for a little bit on the sofa before playing some more of the cat game. Nothing much exciting happened today really. Looked up my uni housing again and man alive it looks beautiful! I'm right by a river (not the Thames, no) where there are ducks and swans! Plenty of parking too which is always handy eh? ;) It's a week until I go and I can't wait! I was nervous but now I'm more excited! Still need to give my uni my bank details for my rent, woops! They said I could do that when I get there though. I'm so glad my place is so nice, after all, I am paying £100 a week!!!! Really, really can't wait yay!!!!!
Went on Home for a bit too, they have Resi 5 costumes now but you have to pay for them and they only had sheva...I want to be Jill! Boo cats. Met up with Stew and JB for a bit before we got bored and went our seperate ways.
Later in the evening me and Alex decided to play some Resi 5, we eventually got a game set up with headsets, was good fun, got Alex some more treasures and BSAA emblems. Having unlimited ammo in my weapons make everything so much easier I love it! Beating the troll on hard took a fucking age and Alexs' headset ran out of battery half way through but we did it in the end!!!! Then in the next chapter I got kicked from the game, Alex had to go make dinner anyway so we ended it there. My parents arrived home at that point, my dad had taken mum out for dinner, mum fell asleep on the sofa whilst watching Watchdog, haha. Good news is dad is going to let me take the Xbox to uni! So at least I'll have something to play! Yay!!!! Today, despite the pain has been a damn good day! As I said to Martyn, I smile no matter what :). Life is good at the moment, I feel partically adored, I'm going to uni soon, new life, new friends, new experiences. It's scary but it's good. Change is good. Life is good. Happeh faec.
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