Not much has really happened today to talk about. I got woken up at 9:15am by Alex, calling me. He was walking to some training session and wanted some company so I spoke to him for a bit then got myself out of bed. My parents were heading out for a few hours to pick up their friends, Sue and Kelv from the airport, they've been trekking across America for a couple of weeks, lucky things. So that left the house to myself for a bit. I had a horrid headache yet again! Don't know what the fuck is wrong with me to be honest! It wasn't as bad as yesterdays thank God, I think it's just my sinuses, they're still blocked up from the cold so it's affecting my head. I had a shower, sang Nightwish whilst in the shower, got dressed and went downstairs. There was some sort of bee or wasp hovering around in the front room so I decided not to sit in there! (I magically disappeared later on!). I did some house-hold chores my parents wanted doing before playing Resi 5 for a little bit.
Because the rest of my day is incrediably boring, I'd like to discuss something my friend brought up yesterday. Alice came back from Reading festival about a week ago now, she loved it, she went last year and she was telling us of some funny things that had happened. It always goes a bit crazy on Sundays, the last day of the festival, but this year it got out of hand. She was telling us (while smiling/laughing) that her camp got completly burnt down, this often happens, but this year it got out of control. Their stuff was fine because they moved it to another camp and the others in their group thought "fuck this" and went home.
Marnie was absolutly horrified, of course but to be honest, I was a little surprised how laid back Alice was about the whole situation. Alice said her friend Sadie, almost got hit on the foot by a gas canister, now if they're throwing stuff like that into a massive fire, people are going to get hurt. It's seriously stupid and dangerous. I know they always burn their abandoned tents, that seems fine to me but someone was still in their tent when they were burning purple camp! They lifted up the tent, tipped the person out inside then threw all their stuff into a fire! One girl was shouting "My stuff is in there!" and a fireman asked her if she had aerosoles in there, of course she did, so he started shouting "Everybody get back!". I felt sorry for that girl. But Alice kept on saying, you know stuff like that is going to happen so you don't take valuables, etc. This was an obvious point but I said, I bet, if it happened to you, you'd be very pissed off or upset. It's put me off Reading for life! Not that I was ever that desperate to go.
One day, when someone gets hurt or even killed by riots like those, Reading will get closed down! They almost banned it because of bottling one year. I don't why people can't just get on with things and enjoy the music without starting fights or pissing on other peoples tents, etc. Call me crazy but I do not see the appeal at all.
I went to Reading last year and it amazes me that people still do this! There were posters everywhere and video messages on the big screens all the time, as a guy at one of the previous years festivals got blinded when a gas cannister blew up and hit him in the face. Stoopid mob mentality, on the last night I was in my tent and could see the glow of flames from nearby, that was not a good night of sleep! :@
ReplyDeleteIn the morning the whole place was trashed, toliet blocks smashed up, such a shame. Seen videos on YouTube of the riot police coming in to sort it out, glad that wasn't near us!