I didn't do much all yesterday morning. I wondered if Lewis' idea of him bringing the Wii round was ever going to happen as I had got no text from him. So, at around 2ish I text him saying "Are we still Wii-ing it up?". No reply (you'll find out why later) but then I got a buzz at the door, I went downstairs and there was Lewis holding a TV, looking like he might drop it any second! So I quickly let him in and rushed upstairs to unlock the door for him. He came into my room and started setting up the Wii and TV. He did warn me that his Wii is incrediably loud but it still works fine. He was right! When it's switched on it sounds like an electric shaver! He said "you get used to it", it's true, after a while you don't care/realise it's there. You're having too much fun.
We started off by playing a game of Mario Cart. He had the wheels and everything for it but I was awful at it, I'm too used to controllers! He of course utterly pwned me. Then there was another buzz at the door and it was Matt who said Rachel was also coming. Party at my place then! :D I stole all the chairs from the kitchen so everybody could sit down without being on the floor. Then Rachel buzzed the door so yet again I had to run up and down stairs! At least being on the top floor gives you plenty of exercise! We played a three way mario cart (I used my gamecube controller). Rachel wasn't too interested in playing as she was more of a PC gamer but she loved watching us and laughing at our fails. There was a lot of "you inked me!" jokes and Rachel, the dirty minded girl went "ewwww". Haha!
We then tried 3 way brawl. I love the fact you can have special finishes on this one, I played as Snake in the first round and his special was a grenade launcher that you could safely fire at everyone of screen! Gotta love Snaaaaake! Matt had a genius (or not as the case may be) idea of creating his own level which contained nothing more than a few falling blocks. So basically, we ended up pissing ourselves laughing because we were all struggling to take people out whilst falling almost all the time! It was so funny! In one game we all played as Kirby whos main move is to well erm...suck people up. At one point Lewis said to me "You sucked me before I sucked you!". Many a lulz were had.
Then it was time for Wario Ware, smooth moves which I had never played. It's hard to explain but basically the screen tells you to put your controller into a certain position e.g. mowhawk (holding it on your head) or elephant (holding it like a trunk), there are more simpler ones too like the remote control. Then you are told to do something (it's like a mini-mini game!) within a few seconds. E.g. If you're in Mohawk position, you often have to bow at the right time as everyone else does on screen. In a nutshell, you have to be super quick! There are lots of other modes of play too, like a simple game of darts. You hold your Wii remote like a dart then throw it at the screen, well, jerk your hand foward anyway, don't actually throw it ;). I won the first game of darts perfectly! Winrar! Ellie then came home from London so I invited her into my room and she played with us. There was a great game were you were partners tied together and you had to jump over pot-holes. You had to be really, really quick. People were actually jumping at first, God knows what the people downstairs thought was going on! But then we realised you don't actually need to jump, just jerking the controller upwards works just as well.
We then switched back to Mario Kart and got Ellie and Rach involved this time. Lewis sat out and gave "advice". Though, to be honest, he told me I picked a rubbish car with Peach but I actually beat Matt! As Matt said he was the best at this, pah! All lies, he got pwned by the Minx! Rach and Ellie were...pretty awful but it was there first go so what can you expect, at least they were up for getting involved and having some fun :).
Lewis then decided it was time to have some dinner but he'd leave all his stuff round here which I was fine with. Everyone else left too. I had some mini pizzas for tea and Ellie had her dinner too then she went to go and get ready as her and Lewis were going to the Freshers Ball. She didn't know what to wear and she took ages to get ready, I had to run downstairs and let Lewis in for her. He'd had a shave! I didn't notice until he pointed it out but he asked me if it was a good idea for him to have shaved or not. I didn't give the best response lol. I basically explained that I like guys with a bit of stubble and he said "Oh okay, oh well it will grown back I suppose!". Even Rach and Matt had told him not to shave! Silly guy. He then started telling me about two things I must look up tonight if I wasn't doing anything. John Lajoie who takes the piss out of rappers with songs like "Show me your gentitals", very, very funny! And also therewillbebrawl.com which is a live action version of Mario and Luigi essentially! They make Princess Peach a whore! Sleeping with both brothers! Tisk tisk! And Kirby has little spikey teeth and is an insane cannibal. It's very well done, trust me, you should definatly check it out.
So yeah, I watched some videos then Matt and Rach came round to play on my gamecube. We played a very long game of Mario Party then had a race in super monkey ball and then Matt had a go on Luigis' mansion as me and Rach watched. At quarter to one they decided it was time to go but they might be back round tomorrow. I had the most awesome day, it's amazing that we all have simular interests and have been brought together by sheer geekery! Much fun! But don't worry minions, you're still my favourite gamers :) <3
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