I had my haircut today for the first time in over a year! (See pic above). Me and mum went to the hairdressers this morning together as she was getting her hair done too, my mum was treating me yay. There was hardly anyone in the hairdressers but it was taking ages for anyone to see to us. There was one woman storming around and we could hear some shouting/argueing going on in the back. I was getting rather annoyed that we were kind of getting ignored, especially when we'd rushed out of the house especially. After being 15 minutes late, a woman came out to cut my hair, her eyes were red and watery, she'd obviously been crying. My mum asked if she was okay but obviously she wasn't going to say what was going on. Bit of a drama going on of some sort but she was okay I think :/. She took a few inches off my hair and layered it but when she'd finished it blimey it was short! I think I'll grow to like it though and I'm sure it will grow back soon. Probably needed a fair bit chopping off anyway, she did notice it hadn't been done in a while! Woops!
When I came home and tweeted about having my haircut, for some very odd reason, Tim from OPM asked for a twitpic! John had also asked for one last night so I waited for my hair to dry off a bit, took a pic on my phone and uploaded it. Tim replied saying: Looks strong and not too short at all. Not sure what strong means but it was nice of him all the same. Rachet also commented on my pic saying it was cute. Aww ^_^. So I feel better about my hair now thanks to OPM haha!
I forgot to mention in yesterdays blog that yesterday I saw my dad for the last time! :(. He'd gone to work for a few days, hence why my auntie and uncle are taking me to uni, plus they have a nice big car...I hope :S. My mum said they might come up to Kingston sometime to go for a walk so they might come and see me but I don't HAVE to see them if I don't want to. I think I'd like to though, obviously it depends if I'm busy but I'm sure I can make time for my parents! Plus, I'm sure a free lunch would be involved ;).
Because I can't go out tonight, Alex said he'd play mercenaries with me which will be good fun. I'll try to be a little better this time :S. Marnie spoke to me last night on msn, she sort of invited herself round on wednesday, along with the others. Does she have to plan everything? Still it will be nice to say goodbye to them, I'll just have to let them know they can't stay for long because I'll have to be getting ready of course and packing and stuff. I am the first one to leave though which is why people seem to be fussing lol. Amy said she'd really miss me, was really sweet of her to say. I promised her we'd have new years drinks or something as I was coming home on the 18th December.
Currently listening to: Evanescence-My last breath
"Can you hear me? Can you feel me in your arms? Holding my last breath. Safe inside myself, are all my thoughts of you, sweet raptured light, it ends here tonight."
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