So, I got up at 9am this morning because I needed to phone the doc. When I got out of bed I was literally moaning with pain. I was in agony, I somehow managed to get downstairs, my dad was watching the Grand Prix. I felt rather sick so I took a lie down on the sofa for a bit, trying to find a position were it didn't hurt. I eventually felt well enough to phone the Doctors. It took me a couple of attempts to get though, it's always busy on a Monday of course. But I got an appointment for 11:20. Not bad considering, as I waited, time took an absolute age to pass I read some more of The History Boys, a boring, unfunny play I have to read for my Uni course. Eventually the time came, I'm only a 10 minute walk from the doctors but since my dad was still around and walking was very painful, my dad gave me a lift and said to ring him when I wanted to be picked back up while he did some jobs that needed doing.
I went in, got my number, took my seat and started to read the rest of my book. I had to wait a fair bit but not too long, having something to read really helped take my mind off things too. The waiting room was full of old people and I was paranoid they were all thinking I was here because I thought I was pregnant! A stupid thing to think but I know what older people think of us teens these days! And I was the only young person there. Eventually I got called up as it were, it was with my usual doctor, she's very friendly and nice so I was happy. I told her I'd had a cold for over 2 weeks now and that I think I'd pulled a muscle as I was in agony this morning and it doesn't seem to be getting better, just worse. She took my temperature by sticking this thing in my ear. That was fine. Then she used her stethoscope (?) to listen to my breathing on my front and back. Then she lifted up my t-shirt and poked around to see where it hurt/was sore. It didn't hurt too much when she pressed it, which is good, means I haven't broken anything. Next she got my lie down on this bed and she poked around my tummy before concluding I was right, I'd probably pulled a ligament. She also asked if I've been coughing up stuff, I said yes, so I probably have some sort of chest infection. She prescribed me with anti-biotics and said I should take painkillers for the pain. She also said the anti-biotics would interfere with the pill but that's no biggy.
I walked out of the doctors, making my way towards the chemists across the road, as I walked down the road my dad appeared from the corner and said "ah ha!". He'd come to pick me up and I hadn't even rung him yet! Perfect timing. He waited around until I got my pills and laughed at the fact condoms are always under "family planning" when "if you've got one of those on, you're not planning to have a family!". Very true dad, very true. The lady gave me my tablets and a from to fill out. It's a booklet full of questions in order to get free meds. Because I'm in full time education I should be elegible but free stuff runs out once I've had my 19th birthday so I have to send of this form, great.
I got home and asked Alex if he was ready for some Resi action. He'd unexpectantly got the day off from work so it was time to complete vetran mode once and for all! We, of course, were amazing (most of the time) and did indeed complete the game and get the silver trophy! Yay! Now it was time for professional, we were doing okay until I accidently blew up a barrel when Alex was a little too close to it...oopsy! I loled :D. But we soon thereafter realised if you get hit, it's instant death! This is going to be impossible to complete! Well, very very hard, the zombies go down easy with our fully upgraded weapons it's just if you get hit, you die, you rarely even have time to save your partner! This may take a while...we got sick of dying a bajillion times so we played some mercenaries instead but I was failing Alex on that too. I'm usually better at it, honest! I think he got a little too excited when I played as sexy Jill though, haha! And he was jealous at the fact I had Wesker. Gotta help him unlock the extra characters sometime.
Taking some painkillers has helped the pain lots, it still hurts but no way near as much as this morning. I just have to remember to take my meds now. Got to take one 3 times a day. I always remember my pill though so I should be okay with these! It's a bit of a bummer though, I can't go out tomorrow night, for two reasons. One, I can't drink because I'm on medication and I know I could drink soft drinks but who wants to do that?! Two, I'd have to walk to the Reg and I cannot walk far, even with painkillers it's too painful. Oh well. I saw my friends the other night so it's not so bad really.
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