So omg. It comes to the day where I actually have to move out. I've wanted this for so long but now it's just a bit scary! My sister came into my room this morning, early, to say goodbye and give me a hug. I was half asleep and couldn't really open my eyes but I tried my best. Last thing I really wanted was a tearful goodbye anyway. Later on when I was up and dressed, my mum took the dog for a walk and then my auntie and uncle arrived. We packed everything in the car, was amazed it all fitted in! Then, because we got it all done so quickly, we waited around ages for mum to come back with the dog! Eventually she came back so we could get going. Only took us an hour and a half to get there, not too bad. We were a little early to collect keys but there was hardly anyone there so it was okay. She gave me 4 keys, 2 big ones, 2 little ones. It's a little tricky remembering which is which but I think I'll catch on quick.
We packed all my food stuffs in my lockable cupboard (pretty handy) and unpacked most things out of the boxes they needed to take home with them. We then decided to try and find the shops. We went out the back way and eventually found our way to the town centre (i'm only about 10 minutes walk from the Uni and shops, not bad). We went into Bentals and they had an American style on the 3rd floor so I had my (probably) last hearty meal, milkshake, burger and chips. Was yummy but so filling I'm not going to eat dinner tonight! We then decided to get to a supermarket we'd have to use the car to find one. So we walked back to the halls, popped into reception to get a map and a guy there asked if I was going to be here tonight and asked if so, if I was I up for going to a pub tonight with the other people staying in the halls. I said yes even though I didn't know what I was going to actually do about tonight.
Anyway, we went to find a supermarket, found an ASDA by accident, brought some last minute fridge/freezer things and then went back. I took my shopping out of the car and then Alan and Elaine (my uncle and aunt) said goodbye then and there to let me and mum say goodbye alone. My mum went upstairs with me and helped put some of my foods stuffs away, I could feel myself going (emotionally, I mean) when I was in the kitchen because I knew she would be leaving me soon. We went to my room, I hugged her and started crying immediatly. My mum didn't cry. I was shocked to say the least. I think she was shocked too "I didn't think you'd be like this" she said. Then when she finally left she didn't want to leave me because I was upset but knew she had to so she did.
So to cheer myself up I set up the internet connection which was dead easy, wired connection to the wall so no problems whatsoever, amazed at how simple it is! Spoke to a couple of people on MSN about stuff whilst unpacking everything else. Realised no remote with my TV = I can't play with my gamecube :/ fail will have to get my parents to find it and bring it to me when they visit. Something about having your own set of keys and wondering about by yourself is actually very nice, I feel very independant. Still a bit tearful (just had another cry moments ago from talking to my mum on msn) but I'll get over it. It's going to be weird for a while I guess. I said hello to the guy living opposite me, seems nice enough, the other room isn't moved into yet, or they moved in later as I haven't seen them yet. I'm hoping they're at breakfast tomorrow in the kitchen so I can get to know them a little better!
I should have gone out tonight really but I didn't, I am very tired and emotional. I spose it would have taken my mind off it a bit but to being going out (with a guy trying to get me drunk) when I've just moved in is a bit too much for me at the moment I'm afraid! Plus I'm on antibiotics, can't exactly get rat-arsed when I'm taking those! Would probably be okay but don't really want to risk being ill at uni! Only need to take them for one more day anyway :). There's a BBQ on sunday afternoon with free food and drink to meet all the other people staying in the halls! Win! Am definatly going to that, will be a good way to make up for tonight and you can never say no to free food and drink :). It's very strange, sitting here by myself. It's cold, the window is broken (they said they'd fix it) and my heater doesn't seem to work :/. Great start lol. Will go down to reception to tell them tomorrow and I'll ask if there's anything going on during the day because I don't have to enrole until 4pm!
Pretty short-ish blog for such a bit day but I'm rather over-whelmed by it all! I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. Just gotta get used to being alone(ish). X
Looks like a gorgeous room, nice and big, loads of light and space, glad you've got somewhere so nice to live for first time independance! If you ever want any cheap and easy recipes I can provide a few :) oh and I reccommend finding your nearest LIDL, you can get nice cheap things in bulk there like cereal, pasta, frozen stuff, that kind of thing that'll last ages and save you some pennies ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen :D x