Yet again on Saturday I invited everyone round to come over to mine to do something, didn't care what really. Lewis couldn't come because he was in St. Pauls until later but Rach and Matt came round. We played some more games on Lewis' Wii, Rach was getting better on Mario kart! Though we did set the AI to easy...we played until people were getting hungry and needed to start preparing dinner but they said they'd be back later. I had defrosted my chicken so I made BBQ chicken with chips again but I didn't have any veg to join it! Bad times. This is why I'm going shopping today! So anyway I was cooking my dinner when I got a buzz at the door. I answered the phone and it was Lewis so I ran downstairs to let him in. I told him the others had gone home now but would be back later. He said that was fine he only wanted to pick up the bag he left round mine yesterday. So he picked up his stuff, he asked whether I watched any of the videos he'd told me to and we had a laugh about those. He asked me to text him later if any gaming was going down so I said I would and let him leave.
The time until Mini Minion arrived was drawing nearer, Martyn was teasing us with our texts! I couldn't take the tension! Well okay I could but I think we all wanted the baby to hurry up and come out!
At around 8 I text everyone and invited them round, Ellie was now home and said she'd pop by and see everyone when they arrived. Lewis arrived first, keen as ever and wanted to play super monkey ball so me and him had a grand prix race. The points ended up as a tie! Not bad! Ellie then joined in as we tried to balance our monkeys on stages and get to the finish line. Was funny. Matt and Rach then arrived and we played Mario Party but Matt stepped out this time as he won the last two games! So instead he brought his camera and took pics (as shown above), got some great pics of all of us being geeks! I won with Daisy! Get in! We then played some more Wario Ware but Ellie went to bed, really early because she was so shattered from being in London all day poor girl!
Lewis was about to leave because he needed to be up early next morning to go to Guildford to see his girlfriend (good luck with getting the horrible train to there!) but before he went he had a brain wave. He said let's try and make a black hole in super smash brothers melee because there's a glitch to do it that only appears in that game (it doesn't work in Brawl). So here's vagually how we did it. Lewis was Peach, I was Fox, Rach was Birdo and Matt was Ness. We picked a map that had two raised platforms that were in-line with each other. Lewis first had to use a glitch to get unlimted ammo with a certain gun, which we did very easily. Peach then got onto one of the platforms with Birdo infront of them. I was on the other platform with Fox. Both me and Birdo had to do our reflect move. Peach would then shoot and because Birdo was on their team, Birdo wouldn't get affected by the gunfire, thus going straight past him and bouncing off my reflect, which would then bounce of Birdos reflect, making a chain of some sort. Ness down below needed to jump inbetween this constant back and forth fire to disrupt the chain until tight circles appeared and it was obvious it was working. Me and Birdo would now be stuck, unable to move. Thank God because my controller was virbrating like mad which made my arms feel very funny! I put my controller down and watched it move across the floor! Was funny, thought the vibrate function was going to break!
Then what Peach needed to do was the get below the fucked up rift thing and throw 15 raddishes into the line of fire. Then either Fox of Birdo needed to be knocked off as neither of us could move of our own accord. Once that was done the Raddishes stayed in the "black holes" spinning round and round. The background music was gone, the black hole was making the weirdest sound ever! The controllers were still going crazy and there was extreme lag. Everything was moving in slow motion like the console couldn't take the frame rate the game wanted to play at! We were pissing ourselves laughing, it was so funny. Matt filmed some of it and put the videos on facebook. Ness then set the black hole on fire! Which made it even more mental and basically if you jumped into this black hole, you'd get stuck until your damage taken went to 999% then all you had to do was flick your joystick in one direction and your character would come flying out and instantly die! Was fucking mental! Eventually the Wii couldn't take it anymore and the game froze! The controllers were still rumbling but the weird sound had stopped and the background music came back! Was fucking weird!!!!!! At that time we knew it was time to go so everyone left expect Rach who stayed for a little bit and chatted. Think she was a bit tipsy from drinking a litre of cider! She then left so I let Alex know he could ring because he asked if he could.
I heard nothing for ages and assumed he'd gone to sleep. But I stayed up none the less and spoke to Iain and JB on msn for a bit. Then Alex rang and I got off msn, we talked about some very weird and fucked up thing! Was hilarious. Then I realised I got a text so I checked my text and it was from iain asking if I'd heard the news. I assumed he meant Martyn but Alex had got no text. So I quickly logged back onto msn and Iain gave me all the info. The baby had indeed come! After I got off the phone to Alex my message from M arrived, containing a picture of a gorgeous baby girl called Wren. I wasn't sure about the name at first but actually, I rather like it. It's unique, much better than a boring name like Laura :P. Nah, I like my name really, hehe.
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