My side is still painful, spoke to Jen about it, she said she cracked her rib from coughing! So just told me to take it easy, I'm supposed to be going out tonight, though no one has contacted me yet. I really don't want to. I can't go clubbing, there's no way I'd dance with this pain in my side. I'm hoping they cancel...though I know that won't happen. I'd much rather stay home and play MGO :'(. Does that make me a bad friend? Probably. Oh well. It's pubbing or nothing for me I think though. The thing is, my dad said "Are you going to say goodbye to your friends then?" and I almost don't see the point. It's weird. I just don't think I'll miss them, I mean, we have the internet to keep in contact, mobile phones, etc. So I don't see the need to miss them because I can speak to them anytime I want. Maybe I'll apprciate them more when I go away. I feel like a rotten thing for saying that :/. But it's how I feel.
Me and my dad went down town to meet mum from work and then do some shopping for uni. They brought shit loads of stuff for me, win! I got a pretty red lamp, some cutlery, a chopping board, some pens, loads of food stuff, etc. My dad is letting me take the gamecube along with 3 controllers and loads of games! Though the only problem is whether I'll have room for the TV in my uncles car! I hope so :(. My mum got a little angry that I was taking it but for goodness sake, it's a sociable thing, not anti-sociable! I can invite people round to play mario games! Win! My dad actually stood up for me for once and said it would be fine. Us gamers have to stick together, eh? ;)
My mum and dads friends are coming round tonight for dinner, they've just come back from America so I'm sure they'll have plenty of pics to show us too and gifts! They always spoil us with gifts. Winrar. Though it means we're having dinner "late" by late, I mean about 7:30, which isn't late but it's late for us. Alice has just text Marnie to see what's going on about tonight and that I'd much rather go to a pub, hint, hint, the Reg is cheaper than Albert road! Because you see, Alice wants to go to a pub too, not a club. I'm not going to club anyway, as I said, it would be too painful and pointless for me.
Currently listening to: Maroon 5- Not falling apart
"You destroyed me, I won't fall apart again. Take what you wanted, I will be just fine, you will be better off alone at night."
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