Sunday is shopping day. We all had a bit of a lie in then me, Ellie and Matt walked to the shops to buy food. I didn't spend that much money at all! Win! I just hope it last me until next sunday! Think me and Ellie are going to try and find ASDA for next sunday because it's not too far away apparently and they do loads of stuff for like a quid so it should work out nice and cheap. We trailed around awful sports shops so Matt could get a few bits for the gym and the sports clubs he's joining! That guy spends so much money. Such a nub. Anyway our hands were absolutly aching from heavy shopping so we got home and dumped our stuff and took a rest. Me and Ellie then decided to pop down to Primark to get a couple of bits and look around. I only got some socks but hey, they were needed. When it came to paying, Ellie couldn't pay! Her pin number on her card wouldn't work. It was a new card too. So I saved her and paid for her stuff to avoid too much embarassment. She then rung her mum to tell her what was going on. We then went to her bank to see if they could sort things out for her otherwise she'd have no money! She thanked me over and over again for saving her. I said it was fine, don't worry about it, etc.
We got there and I sat down. I saw Ellie talking to the woman and she started crying. I thought that couldn't be good. I was a little worried but her and the woman went off to have a private chat and sort things out so I said and waited. Bored out of my skull. When she came out I asked if it was sorted. And basically, they have to send her a new pin to her home address which could take a week plus, especially as her mum has to foward it onto her. The bank said that she could get money out without her card just so she can survive! Phew! So she was a little upset and worried but it's worked out okay now.
I got home and got on facebook to ask what time rock and roll bingo was. No one responded to my status. Then Lewis popped up on my chat window, we were chatting about a few things and then I mentioned how I'd kill for a really huge pizza right now. I was starving at the time, hadn't eaten much all day. He suggested we all ordered a couple (the 5 of us) then we come round mine and game! I said that would be frickin' perfect! So the plan was on, we asked the others (ellie, Matt and Rach) and they all agreed so before I knew it Lewis was at my door, soon followed by Matt and Rach. I had vouchers for buy on get one free at Dominos and they delievered, win! So we ordered a texas bbq one and a meateator! Nom!!! We were starving at this point, drooling at the thought of pizza! We played some games on the wii while waiting and then it arrived. We ate it so fast and my God were they good. I prefered the meaty one but the bbq sauce (which was on both I think) was so, so good. Best, sauce, ever!!!!! We played some more games and then decided to walked over to Knights Park and then see if this rock n' roll bingo had started...
When we got there it was dead. It's hardly ever dead! We were so shocked I said "Omgwtfroflcopter" which made everyone laugh as it was so random! There was a total of three people in the bar and there was certainly no sign on bingo so we left. Lewis had the brainwave of getting his poker set and playing some cards. Matt invited us to his kitchen to play as the large table would make card games so much easier. We played poker (not strip poker, no.) and a few other card games, too many to name! I wasn't very good. Never have been! One we did play in particular which was the most fun was Donkey. It involved passing cards round at a manic speed then shouting Donkey and diving for an object in the middle, we used apples. The person without an apple, got a letter added to there name. It was a very noisy game. One of Matts neighbours who I met on the second night, Tabbitha came and joined in too.
Basically, we were so loud, one of the neighbours came in and said "What's going on in here? All we can here down the hall is girls screaming and men grunting!" We all pissed ourselves laughing! Then showed him the noisy, crazy game which gives you such an addrenaline rush! Was so much fun. Lewis was as hyper as always but said he was more-so excited because he'd seen his girlfriend that day and was on a high. Aww! Bless him! He must really love her :). Was nice to here a guy say that out loud to his mates. After all the cards games we went home early. I needed to be up early the nextr morning and everyone was pretty knackered. The jokes of the night? We were doing everything "like a bawse" (I showed Lewis the vid as he hadn't seen it!) and we were jizzing in our pants alot. Another Lonely Island song we all loved :D. Funny times. Also, Lewis tried to lean with half his body out of my window shouting "GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!" people stared and him! XD Crazy guy.
Currently listening to: Linkin Park - Somewhere I belong
"I wanna let go of the pain and just go on. I wanna heal, I wanna feel, like I'm close to something real."
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