Yesterday evening I popped round to Alices' after watching the X Factor, I'm glad I turned up 40 minutes later than she orginally said (to watch x-factor) because even when I got round there she was still cooking her dinner for herself and her brother. Her brother, funny and as nice as he is, has just come out of uni and is so damn lazy! It amazes me how his parents put up with him. Alice absoutly adores him though, I think it's a younger sibling thing, to adore your brother/sister, I'm not saying I don't love my sister but I'm no so...vocal about it? I spoke to her about a few things whilst she had dinner, I didn't mind, her brother then went out (don't blame him). So it was just me and Alice sat there talking. Bex and Marn were have supposed to turn up but an hour and half had past from the time she told them to turn up so I said "looks like it just me and you!". We then began talking about Marnie, saying how it was rude of her to say she'll come round, then not turn up. She also text Alice saying "Is jo and Bex coming?", which offended both me and Alice because it was like she was saying "I won't come unless so and so is there". Alice wondered why it mattered and I was annoyed she didn't ask after me.
Just as we were talking about her, the doorbell rang! We looked at each other, shocked and then Alice laughed and said it was probably Bex who said she "might" come, though she was tired from her last day of work. It was both Marn and Bex! Talk about talk of the devil.
My side was really hurting from walking to Alices' it's gotten even worse. I'm going to the doctor on Monday to see if anything needs doing about it. Maybe I have had a chest infection. I'm not sure but I suppose the doctor will either say, sorry there's nothing I can do or prescribe me with something. Oh well, we shall see. Bex needed a superhero costume so we were looking up characters for her to go as but there wasn't much success. She spoke about a lot of different things, Derren Brown, uni, people we used to know at school, etc. I was amazed to find out Marn and Alice both believed that Derren Brown had actually used automatic writing to guess the numbers...I mean I can imagine Marn believeing it but Alice...? Hmm odd. My only statement I need to make: Why did Derren Show us the balls before putting them in the sealed tube eh? That's all I'm saying on the matter. Bex didn't see Derren explaination but she kind of sided with me, funny that someone who believes in God can be so very sceptical on other matters!
I then decided to walk home at 11:30pm. I wouldn't have minded staying longer but I hadn't taken a key and the pain in my side was rather uncomfortable. Marnie was stressing about me walking home by myself because "she wouldn't want to". Jesus Christ you've never worried this much before. I rang my mum to let her know I was coming home so she said she'd take the dog and come and meet me half way. I said my goodbyes and Alice walked me to the door, as I was making my way Marn shouted something about going out tuesday night. For fucks sake, I'd arranged it with Alice! You don't need to act like you're controlling the situation because you're not! Grr. Alice just rolled her eyes at me and said "deep breath" because she was clearly getting irritated too. I said thanks and bye to Alice and left. My side was killing me as I walked down the road. Before it was only certain postitions that seemed to irritate it but now I was getting random twinges of pain. I held my side (like that would somehow help!) and I saw an old man, with long hair on the other side of the street. He was talking quite loudly though I couldn't make out what he was saying. I looked to see if he was talking to someone, either on the phone or with someone beside him. But no, he was having a full-blown conversation with himself! Scary. Though I'm used to it, I do live opposite a mental hospital. I met my mum at the end of the road and walked home with her.
Currently listening to: The film score dance band-Girl, you'll be a woman soon
"I love you so much can't count all the ways I'd die for girl and all they can say is...he's not your kind, they never get tired of putting me down and I never know when I come around...what I'm gunna find. Don't let them make up your mind, don't you know girl, you'll be a woman soon."
I LOVE this song, so much so it's my current ringtone. I heard it in Pulp Fiction when Mia Wallace (uma thurman) starts dancing to it before she ODs. Is one of my fav. songs.
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