MGO last night was a bit of a fail to be honest. Only 4 of us turned up but we started playing anyway, I was doing terrible, getting last place everytime, making silly mistakes. It started to piss me off and upset me. Then I realised, when I started doing better, it wasn't MGO that was upsetting me. I was crying whilst playing, that's how stupidly emotional I got. I don't know what it was, I think I was just uber stressed out about lots of things. I was worrying about Alex, and my cold has really been getting me down (I hadn't been out in the house in over a week). I decided once Martyn turned up, I'd leave the game because I really wasn't in the mood. Capt. Price (Chris McD) turned up so I said sorry and goodbye to the others and left. I sorted myself out, tryed to hold it together and go and watch Yes Man with the family. I'd seen it at the cinema, but the others hadn't seen it. Love that film, love Carrey, he's hilarious. So that kinda cheered me up a little. I got a lovely text from Stew, telling me not to worry, that Alex would be fine and that he was going to bed. No Pulp Fiction for us then :(. I was a little gutted but I guess I needed to go to bed a little earlier to make myself feel better. And it's no good if none of us are in the mood! So I watched Wossy and went to bed.
But could I sleep? Nope. I didn't feel that tired and I couldn't stop thinking, you know that feeling when you can't shut your brain off? Then I couldn't stop coughing (I have no idea whether I'd fallen asleep or been lying awake the entire time), I was coughing my lungs out, I needed a drink, I checked my phone, it was 1:30am, great. So I got up, went downstairs to get some ice cold water from the fridge, which did calm down the coughing alot. Soon after that, I eventually dropped off. I woke up at 9 this morning but I went back to sleep. I remember having dreams about Alex (do not know what they entailed, guess it was just the fact he'd been on my mind). I woke up again at 11 and decided to get up. This time I had a dream about me and Yaz, running through a supermarket with Alphabeats "Boyfriend" playing in the background (random!), we then danced and got cornered by some boys and had to run away and hide from them! Bizzare dreams!!!! And you know when you wake up with a random song stuck in your head that you haven't heard for ages (how does that happen?!), well I had that "discovery channel" song stuck in mine. You know, "you and me baby we ain't nothing but mammels"? How weird! I don't even LIKE that song :/. Maybe it's a clue as to what my dreams were about? Haha! I doubt that very much.
I was starving so I had some toast for brekkie. Bossman and also Alice, had recommended I tried ringing Alex ("It can't hurt to try") so I did so. It went straight to answerphone without ringing so I knew it was turned off, my thoughts were the battery had simply run out. And it turns out I was right, later on I got a text from him saying he'd been away and his phone had died on him. Phew! I was so relieved! I knew I was being silly and worrying way too much but I have a vivid imagination and that does terrible things to my mind! He also sent me a picture of his stitches, they do not look nice at all! Ouch...
Because I have not been allowed in the backroom these past few days during the day I played the force unleashed in the front room PS3. I needed to start a new save to activate trophies anyway. So I played that for most of the day, earned quite a few trophies, stopped for lunch, watched a South Park with my dad, hilarious as usual, then he sent me out to buy milk and chocolate. Me and my sis walked to the shop (first time I've been out in 8 days!), brought a chocolate bar for everyone and some cherry drops for my cough. Came back, ate chocolate, played more force unleashed, got stuck and fed up on one level so it was time to play some Toro! Todays episodes included "CSI or Cat scene Investigation"! (it amazes me how much appears in English!) in which something seemed to have happened in Toros' house (he was crying alot and his friends came to search for clues such as fingerprints!). Then there was one called something something PARK, turned out to be some sort of cat day-care centre of some kind! Pictures of real life cute kittys. Aww. Then there was TOKYO ICE BAR/HOTEL the two cats visited an ice hotel, they got very cold, I said to my sister "They should get themselves some fur coats!" and the screen went blue, then came back and they were indeed wearing coats! I was like OMG! Haha! Toro looked like santa and Kuro (the black cat) looked like an elf! So cute! God I love this game, dad thinks I'm a nutter but oh well hehe. I have a soft spot for cute, Japanese things. Going to Tokyo = my dream.
Spent the early part of the evening watching the X factor whilst on msn with Jake and Stewie, we were taking the piss out of all the hilarious people who come on, think they can sing, then epically fail. We were laughing so much! Makes x factor a whole lot more funnier with friends! STOP! IAN TIME! Haha! Love it. Feel a lot better now, phew :)
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