Had to get up at 7 this morning and it was hell! Was fairly awake, I remember waking up at 6am for some reasona dn going back to sleep. Anyways, I got up and I did not feel good at all, I felt sick and dizzy so I went to the bathroom to wash my face and stuff and I had to sit/lie down for a bit before I felt well enough to go back to my room. I considered going back to bed but I knew I had to go in for revision as it was our last revision session before the day of the exam on thursday. So I went downstairs in my pjs and had some cereal and my mum made me some tea and I felt fine. Weird but I'm glad I did get better.
Revision session was good. Stacey (our teacher) was really upset that we were leaving her, bless her. We'd all chipped in £2 each to get her a secret present (well, presents) and she was really chuffed! At 23 or is she 24...anyway she is a very young teacher! Which I think is what makes her so good, so we're her first A level students which is why she's so upset we're leaving. We can add her on facebook after our exams have finished anyway so we can keep in contact which is good!
Came home at 11ish and spent about 3 hours playing trash panic, god it's so addictive! Tricky, but fun! I then had lunch with my dad and watched a South Park then basically spent the rest of the afternoon on the laptop. I should have been revising but since I got home from college I've felt so shattered. Lack of sleep catching up with me? Maybe. But what's the point in going to bed early...
I really want to go to bed and cuddle up to something warm but since there's nothing waiting for me in bed I don't wanna go up there hehe.
Played MGO this evening with the usual suspects, minus Stew and Matt. Was great fun, I got annoyed with myself a couple of times but since people have stopped being so obsessed with levels it's made the game a lot more fun. Silly Konami and their scoring system. If we couldn't see the plus' and minus' we wouldn't get so annoyed! They need to change it back, or at least change the system.
Going to town tomorrow to hand a C.V into Game and anywhere else that's advertising. Likelyhood of me getting a job is slim but it's worth a shot because I really need the money! Wish me luck :)
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