I went to bed rather late last night, it was about quarter to 3. I stayed up late because Stewie has finally got his internet back (although it is very slow) and we were catching up on some good times! So it was worth it! I did however make the foolish mistake of having a mars bar at 2am...well I was hungry and I fancied something sweet and sugary! But basically I went to bed and woke up (apparently) 15 minutes later to throw up the mars bar...not nice!!! I say apparently because I didn't check the time. I just brushed my teeth and went back to bed but my mum says it was 3am when she heard me throwing up, meaning I'd only slept for 15 minutes at the most! It felt like I'd been sleeping for at least an hour. You really do have no sense of time when you sleep, eh. But yes it must have been the Mars bar that set me off though I've had a dodgy stomach all week for some reason. It's not as if I've eaten anything dodgy or out of the ordinary. Stupid stomach.
Had a bit of a scare with my PS3 yesterday! I fancied playing some more Uncharted 2 so I turned on the PS3, turned on the controller (as you do) but it wasn't syncing. I thought that was rather odd so I plugged the controller into the USB. It still wouldn't sync. So I tried another controller, which synced but it was on controller 2 and I couldn't change it because I hadn't even been able to log in yet. So I turned off the PS and turned it back on again. It came up with the message- You're hard disc needs to be restored. Press ok to restore now. I thought, oh shit I'm going to lose everything! Luckily I'd backed up my saves a few weeks ago but it was still going to be a massive inconvience to lose it all. But I patiently waited for it to do it's thing, it didn't take too long but everything was fine! Hadn't lost my saves or anything so that was a massive relief. I tweeted about it and Iain and John informed me it's happened to them or others before and everything has been fine. I'm just glad it's nothing to worry about!
Been replaying Tomb Raider Underworld since it now has trophies, trying to find every single bit of treasure. I had actually forgotten how fun it is! It is a brilliant game. Yes the combat lets it down big time but the puzzles and climbing are so much fun and it's a good storyline if you're a fan of the series, such as myself. I would love to get the platinum for this. Not sure I can but I'll give it a shot! Not sure if I'll have the time to commit to it though. Not only exams and stuff but other games that demand my attention. Eugh. I just want to lock myself in a room for a week and just do nothing but play games pleeeeeease. Kthnxbai.
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