Started off the day by crawling my way out of an extremly hot bedroom, to go downstairs to see if OPM had arrived. In about 20 minutes the postman had arrived with my copy, hurray! I skim-read it quickly before cracking on with revision. I'll read it properly later. I've learnt almost all my studies on my flash cards so hopefully I'll know enough for the exam! I know if I get gender or ethnicity I will defiantly be okay!
I'm going into college tomorrow in the afternoon for an hours revision, which seems pointless but it's better than me doing an hour by myself at home. Plus it gets me out of the house.
When I was revising today my dad's friend called to find out what was happening about my sisters birthday which is next week, monday in fact. I brought her present literally MONTHS ago so I'm all set. Plus she's the easiest person to buy for I know. Maybe because I know her so well! Anyway, he asked what I was doing and I said revising,
"Revising killing people? You are aren't you!"
"No, no I'm being good!"
"Laura, there is nothing good about you"
Haha! Oh dear, the man knows me too well!
So after I could do simply no more revision I decided to check my emails as I am awaiting one from Kingston Uni to apply for housing soon, I'll probably get one from Winchester too. And I found an email from student finance entitled URGANT so I was a little afraid to be honest! It said that basically I may have to send additional documents to them but I needed to go to the website to check! So I logged in and looked for the section the email told me to go to. I couldn't find it anywhere. I was getting stressed out. VERY stressed out. I must have said the work "fuck" at least 50 times. I couldn't find a solution so I decided to take the plunge and ring them. I waited in a queue for 10 minutes and finally got through to a very lovely, scottish man. When I said I couldn't find the right section the email was asking me to go to he said that happens sometimes and "I don't know what they're playing at", he sounded as pissed off as me! Which was a relief that I wasn't just being a ditz and missing something completly. He checked through my account and said there was nothing I needed to worry about, the email must have been an error. Thank God for that! So I took my excess rage out on UT3...
I played with Ben, who wasn't bad actually! He was amazed by my skills, saying I was awesome because I'd won about 5 deathmatches in a row ha! Then this guy came along who was very good, had a headset and I seemed to kill him alot so whenever I did kill him he went "Oh yodasucks again!!!" Was rather amusing but it pissed off Ben a lot! Got a couple more UT3 trophies too, woohoo!
Three weeks until Thorpe park and a week tomorrow until my first A level exam...
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