Monday, 15 June 2009


As I'm sat here rather bored I got thinking...why is it we like the things we like?
Why do we like certain types of music, films, books, people? How are our opinions formed? To a certain extent, the way in which we are brought up, the friends we have and the media can all effect us. But some people for example, have racist parents but are not racist themselves. Proving that we have the ability to form our own opinions some how. It just intrigues me into why people do like different things and do have different tastes. Comedy is a good example, we all find different things funny but there seems to be no logical reason why. It's a good thing though, if we all agreed with each other the world would be boring.
Another thing I was reading the other day is there's a theory in America that animals, like humans (or at least most of them!), have morals. Sounds strange I know but the example they used was an elephant was seen using its trunk to unlock a catch that was holding a heard of antalope captive! Now there's no logical reason to explain why an elephant would do that. It would be a different matter if it was rescueing it's own young, or even another elephant. Meaning the elephant obviously cared, maybe even felt sympathy! It sounds ridiculous but if us humans have morals and reasoning then why can't animals? I think animals are a lot more complex then we even realise. We are too quick to say that Us, dolphins and monkeys are the most intelligent species. I still find it amusing that dolphins, like us, have sex for pleasure!
I do realise this is probably the most random blog i've ever written but I like to think about these things. I love having discussions about things, anything, as long as it's interesting. So there you go, something to consider eh? :)

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