I walked into college this morning, thinking it's aweful quiet, not many people walking to college, maybe it's because I'm early. But no. I walked into English and my teacher was surprised to see me: "you do know it's an inset day...I'm not even going to be here". D'oh!!! To be fair though, she did say to come in next week -_-, I swear she did! Also because I don't officially attend college anymore I don't know what's going on do I! Sheesh! But anyway it wasn't a complete waste of time because I got to talk to her about the exam and stuff so it was okay. Plus it gets me out of the house!
Mum dropped in C.V for Game this morning so I'm crossing my fingers!
While sitting at the laptop this morning I noticed Luke signing into MSN, he's a guy I used to fancy at school, nothing unusual about that I know but I noticed his screename was "The cake is a lie". He's a Portal fan! This shocked me. So I started talking to him about Portal and I impressed him with the fact I have a "The cake is a lie" t-shirt which he thought was brilliant. Yes Luke, you missed out on a good fish here :)
It's my sisters birthday today! She's 14 today and I got her a cute necklace with Tare Panda on (see above picture if you're wondering wtf is tare panda). I do believe Tare Panda means lazy panda in Japanese. He does look rather lazy, but cute. She loves her necklace, I knew she would. I got it from my favourite online jewellary shop Ji ji kiki, they do great gifty things! Love it.
It's very sad news to hear 2 seats in Brussells have go to the BNP! It's been the main topic of todays tweets on twitter and I was so angry when I found out on the news this morning. Those racist bastards do not represent Britain in any way. Whoever voted for them will be hunted down by me personally. Me with an RPG. Yeah...watch out Nick Griffin!!!
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