I awoke to my vibrating alarm from another vivid dream this morning. I've been having so many recently about really random stuff! I wish I could dream about something nice and not something creepy...
Anyway I set off to college in a t-shirt and skirt (god I've been waiting for the moment I could walk outside with just a t-shirt on!) and went to English for some revision. Apparently I was an hour late but I'm SURE Anna said to come in the second period! Oh well, didn't do much in the hour but it made me somewhat more relaxed about the English exams. So when I came home I attempted to revise Sociology, I've learnt a few more studies and I'm going in tomorrow afternoon for a 2 hour revision session. I'm also supposed to go in for Film Studies in the morning but I'm not going to go because I'm focusing on Sociology and English at the moment because I've got those exams first. My film exam is quite late in the month so I'm not going to start worrying about it now! Besides, it's not as if I need to revise that much for film. Just learn the film names and dates, etc. Shouldn't be too difficult.
E3 news is not going well...Kojima got up upon the Mircrosoft stage today...turns out there will be a Metal Gear Solid for Xbox...even though Koj has always critised Xbox...sellout!!!! It's going to be called: Metal Gear Solid Rising, well it's a shite name for a start! We all know anyway that PS3 being the superior machine, that MGS will never be as good as it is on PS3. For a start, because PS3 uses bluray disks, they won't be able to pack as much information on an xbox HD disc. Therefore the graphics won't be as good, the game won't be as huge, etc. It's going to epically fail. We all know it. So take your MGS: Rising Xbox...take it and shove it up your redring of death.
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