Just as a problem is fixed, another occurs. Typical eh? That's life I guess. I'm really gutted Stew can't come to thorpe park, though Alex made a good point last night, he'll feel just like he did when he missed out on the last 2 days of M's. Which I guess makes the point that sometimes, not all of us are going to be able to make it. I wonder, for example, how many people will be able to attend Jen's camping plan. A few of us at least I hope! Could be fun.
Well I've just come home from college from writing 11 pages of film studies essays! I filled 11 pages out of the 12 that were avaliable! No wonder my hand hurts! I managed somehow to finish will 5 minutes to spare so I got to leave a little earlier. Not that it matters, I couldn't care less to be honest. 2 hours is 2 hours. Went nice and quickly though. A couple of the questions were quite tricky but I'm sure I did fine. The censorship question couldn't have been easier, it was bascially: "Regulate don't censor" discuss this statement. Easy as pie! A very open question and discussing censorship is always an interesting debate. Well I think so anyway, does that make me sad? Or just a geek? In fact I even enjoyed writing about Hitchcock in the authorship question...damnit I am a geek. Oh well.
My sister made me one of those friendship bracelets this morning as a good luck charm, which reminded me to wear my RM dogtags! I think they definatly were good luck, I wasn't even nervous before the exam. Mind you, last night I couldn't sleep a wink! Well that's a lie but I found it very hard to get to sleep and I don't know why. I wasn't worried about the exam because I wasn't even thinking about it. I went to bed before 11 so maybe I wasn't tired enough or something. It was annoying though because when I eventually got to sleep after much tossing and turning, I was woken up again by a text from Jen! D'oh! It wasn't her fault, I had my phone on loud and she wasn't to know I would be in bed early. But after that text woke me up, I couldn't get back to sleep again for a fair while! Epic. Fail. So I was yawning alot this morning but luckily I was awake enough to concintrate on the exam.
So now I'm sat at home, giving myself a day off from revision, which is probably not wise but fuck it to be quite honest. And I'm listening to vidzone (as usual I know!!!). Just found out they have a Finnish singer I rather like on there! I am loving vidzone! Though they are missing alot of the classics e.g. Madonna, AC/DC, Robbie William, Blue, etc. Not sure why I called those the classics, they vary hugely :S haha. God I'm tired, sleep nao plz? Nope? Ok then fine I'll do the vacuuming...
Currently listening to: Just a girl- No doubt
"Oh I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite. So don't let me have any rights. Ohhh I've had it up to here!"
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