Burnout was great fun! Got to play with some of the OPM boys for a bit, most had headsets so it was rather funny. Though there were some annoying kids on there. One kid kept moaning about how he had a shit car and it wasn't his fault he was rubbish. He was swearing away down his headset. Me and Stew thought it was hilarious! He was such a dick! OPM must have gotten pretty fed up with the kids. Unfortunatly JB got kicked from the game or something, due to dodgy nets I suppose, so he couldn't get back into the game! So most of the time it was just me and Stew but after a while we felt rather bad about leaving JB out so we decided to join him and Allen in doing a few challenges before I had to go out. That's one downside about Burnout, only 8 players online together at once! I'm sure they could cope with more! 8 is not enough if you wanna have a massive Burnout party.
Russell Howard is on the TV in the background and he just made a good point, people can tickle you but how come you can't tickle yourself?! That is a very good point. Why? It doesn't make sense! I am very ticklish as most people know, though my feet aren't ticklish for some reason...anyway if I ran my fingers up the side of my body. It wouldn't tickle me, if someone else does? Very much so. How come? It's like when someone touches you and it feels really nice, you can't duplicate that yourself (and I don't just mean in a sexual way!). If it did, I suppose we could hug ourselves better which would be useful but at the same time it means other people would become rather obsolete. Maybe it's a a psychological thing or something that's in built so that we NEED other human beings. Hmm...interesting thought, but I digress...
I did indeed go out this evening and it was good fun! Surprise, surprise! Marnie and Jo got on okay (thank God) and I met one of Kirsty's friends and his girlfriend. We'd been told by Kirtsy beforehand that she recently found out she was pregnant but we weren't to mention it, just in case. I mean, why would we? But it turns out she mentioned it herself anyway, she was very open about it. I think she wants to have an abortion but later on this evening she asked me to accompany her to the toilet. So I did and waited outside for her and she said she was worried she'd had a mis-carriage because she'd been bleeding on and off recently. She said the doctor said you can still have a period during pregnancy but she felt it was too irregular to be a period. She seemed quite worried and she said Keiren (her boyfriend, who was also a very nice guy!), was not taking much interest. Which seemed a bit mean of him! This is her health we are talking about! I said to her well what can you expect from a bloke but I did wonder why she didn't want a mis-carriage is she didn't want it anyway. But she said well this is my first baby so I am rather worried. I suppose it can damage you, both emotionally and physically. I felt really sorry for her. She was such a lovely girl, same age as me (she even has her birthday in November too!) and she really didn't deserve to be going through all of this. It was probably an accident after all, the condom broke or whatever, things like this happen and that's what people forget. Teenage girls get pigeon-holed into "they must be stupid slags because they're pregnant so young". Which simply is not true and it does annoy me that other people look down upon them. They only look down on them because they're frigid and aren't getting any...well...probably! I hope things turn out for her okay, she said she was going to the doctor on monday. But I probably won't ever see her again! So I may never know...
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