I had another horrible dream last night, I dreamt one of my best friends hated me...was not nice!
In lighter news, I have had the craziest day! Before I went to college I went on Home to check out the new Buzz HQ area. It was awesome. Basically up to 45 players can take part in a buzz quiz! The question (created by users themselves from the mybuzz website) appear at the top of the screen and everyone moves their player onto one of four giant coloured buttons of the floor. Of course, there were some retards playing who didn't know what was going on (some actually said "Why are we running" several times!) and they just followed the crowd. But it was great fun! Later in the day, the area got removed because there were bugs which were stopping it from working...Home fails again! Was gutted. Was really looking foward to playing it properly when I got home from college.
Anyway, I went to college for an hours worth of revision (didn't end up doing much though!) but as soon as I got to college I had a text from Jen saying I'd won OPM's twitter contest! I was amazed! Didn't think my entries were that good! Basically, OPM were having a contest running for a day on twitter to win one of five beta codes for Uncharted 2 and I really wanted one. OPM asked the question: "Who would you want to see play the part of Nathan Drake in the Uncharted film and why?" Answers had to be creative and funny.
The first answer I gave was Johnny Depp because he's versitile, rugged (sp?) and if he can play a pirate he can play an adventurous treasure hunter!
Pretty lame huh? Well I saw people were giving more than one suggestion so I later on tweeted to them: Hugh Jackman because we all know Drake is an animal really ;)
I think that's the answer that won it for me.
Not only did I have that to come home to on twitter but JB had tweeted to me a tweet from a guy who was looking for girl gamers, who knew a lot about games (hardcore gamers basically) between the ages of 18 to 21 to get involved with a possible BBC project! So I got in contact with this guy, he asked me where abouts I lived, I told him south of England, Hampshire. And he said ok cool I'll add you to the list! How confident are you infront of cameras? I replied, I'm okay I guess. I was on a local TV channel before so I should be okay. He just said: Cool. Thanks.
So oh my freaking God if this turns out to be a real project I could be on TV! It would be amazing! Imagine how good that would look on my C.V! I really hope it is something I can take part in, I would be nervous but so damn excited. After all, how hard would it be to talk about games? It's what I do best!
Oh and I have played the beta of U2 and it is fantastic! It sometimes takes a while to search for the right amount of players for competative mode but it is great fun! And so smooth, doesn't seem to lag at all and the duck and cover system is the best there is! Loving it.
I ventured back into Home to see what this final area of Xi was all about. The summary said something about a ghost maze! Scary! So I went to go see. When I got into this maze it was actually very creepy! Giggling of children, walls that shoot up from the ground as you walk and skull ghost that you're not allowed to touch otherwise you go back to the beginning! It was too hard so I gave up in the end, upon my way out I noticed there were 3 other mazes, one is a riddle maze (good fun but a lot of guessing involved!), the other was a teamwork maze (I got stuck with a bunch of other people who didn't know what they were doing either) and the last maze is the expert maze which is locked. Presumably until you complete the other 3 mazes but I can't be bothered with any of them. I never have been bothered with Xi, I just want Buzz HQ back please! :(
For the rest of my time on the Ps3 I was playing the force unleashed (which is actually great fun!) until the store updated happened. I was hoping for Trash Panic and we got it! At £3.99 it was such a bargain so I brought it, downloaded it though it took me ages and gave it one quick go. It seems tricky but I'm sure if I read the instructions next time I'll get better. It's great fun! Silly fun for under £4, how could I say no? I only got to play one game because dad was insisting we watch The Dark Knight on bluray and I have to say godamn it looks sexy in 1080p! Yum yum batman (and I don't mean Christian Bale by the way, eww).
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