Had my last exam today. I hardly slept at all last night due to thinking about stuff, wishing things were different and, of course, worrying. When I got to college, I found out I was in a different room for my exma than my friend Bex because I'm an the end of the alphabet and there were so many English students they had to split us into two rooms. I wasn't sure where the classroom was but I followed Bex's friend Sam and we rushed around college, panicing slightly, but found it pretty quickly. We were waiting outside this the others for ages, the whole time I was getting more and more worked up. I felt sick with nerves and my heart was pounding. I'd wish they'd just hurry up and let us in the damn room because I knew once I was in the room and had the question infront of me, I'd be fine. I always calm down straight away because I just focus and get on with it, no point fretting unless you think you can't do the question of course. The exam was meant to start at 9. We weren't let into the room until 10 past, so by the time we started the exam it was 9:15. Typical. I mean, God help a student if they're late but invigilators? They're allowed to be as late as the like! Grr.
Anyway, the first question is an old text you have to modernise for a particular audience. You get a choice of two questions but I knew which one I wanted to do before easily. The first one was a piece of text by Sir Walter Raleigh (sp?) to his son, giving advice on choosing a wife. It was quite funny actually, he kept going on about getting tricked by beauty! Sounded more like a warning! The other text was something to do with agriculture...boring! So I did the first one. I'm not sure I did too well, in either the re-write or the commentary which is meant to explain why you used the features you did and what you changed and why. Mind you, when I've done practise ones in class and thought I'd done terribly, I've ended up getting B's! So fingers crossed.
The second part of the exam is to do a topic essay. You get a choice of 4 questions, I was hoping spelling would come up because I knew a lot about the topic and had been revising it alot. It had come up 5 times before since they set this exam and it came up again this year! I was so pleased! So I think I did really well on that section, I made the essay quite interesting too, because apparently the examiners like something a bit quirky and different because they read through so many straight, boring essays. So hopefully mine will entertain them! I hope!
So now I'm feeling a lot less stressed, it's one massive problem out of the way, though I will be bricking it on results day! I don't think I've failed though, I'm feeling pretty positive. I'm hoping to get 3 B's. I'll just have to wait until August now...
Currently listening to: James Morrison-Wonderful World
"Well I thought that I was doing well but I just wanna cry now...who am I to dream? Dreams are for fools they let you down."
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