First thing this morning I had my English exam, the easiest of the two. I was quietly confident, I thought I knew enough to do well and I think I did do well! There were two questions to choose from, as soon as I read the first one I knew I was going to do the second question! The first question was about accent so I knew it would be too differcult to do! Plus, I think one of the texts you had to analyse was a Shakesperian text, I wouldn't have even been able to make sense of that! So the second question was about storms and how they are described in each of the texts. It was quite easy because two of them were late modern English! (which is the type of English we use today) so there was little or no translation to be done! Sweet! I could have written so much more than I did! Was so much to write about but the examiners don't expect you to write about everything, because that would be impossible. The examiners are also positive markers, so if you make a mistake, you won't get marked down for it. Which makes a bloody change! I really hope it went well, I feel it did. It's now 1 week exactly until my Film studies exam, which should be easy. I hope the Film studies revision sessions are still running. Pauline may be *a little* pissed off with me because I haven't gone to any so far because I had to consintrate on sociology and english! I hope she understands...
So, only two more exams to go. In under two weeks this will all be over and I'll be free! For two months...boo.
When I got home from college I hopped straight onto the PS3 and decided to properly check out Vidzone and it's brillaint! I've made a huge playlist of great videos and I'm actually surprised how good the quality is! I can't believe we've got such a good app for free! God I heart you Sony. After lunch I had to go to the doctors. Now I got very confused while I was there. I was sat with only 3 other people in the waiting room. One was an old lady, the other was a woman who didn't seem to be all there if you get what I mean, she just seemed...odd. Anyway, only one doctor was in and the old lady got up to go see the doctor even though the little buzzer hadn't gone off. So I guessed it wasn't working or something. So when the old lady left, I got up and went upstairs because I didn't want to seem like an idiot waiting for a buzzer that wasn't going to buzz. A man entered the waiting room as I left and I went upstairs. But then I got freaked out about walking into her room because what if someone else was already in there and I was interuppting? Then I heard the crazy lady say EXTREMLY LOUDLY to the man downstairs "I thought you were supposed to wait for the sound not just walk upstairs!" etc. Getting really lairy. Lady, you do realise I CAN HEAR YOU! Could she not understand that I had got confused?! Stupid woman. So I sat on the chairs upstairs and soon enough the buzzer went off and I went into the doctors room...sheesh.
Anyway, for the rest of the day I basically played games. I got on the MGO store to buy a camoflage bikini! It is awesome! Later on, most of the minions got together to play naked minions mgo! It was fantastic fun, in the end we had 6 minions playing! I think I charmed everyone to death! John got out his guns too, hawt. JB took some pics and Jen and Stew took video, Stew took loads of video which he's making into a couple of mawtages. Can't wait to see them! I laughed a lot. Good times.
In other news it sounds like I'm going to Game on! In london this November with JB thanks to Alex! Not sure who else is coming, it doesn't seem like that many people are interested but me Alex and JB are uber excited. It will be 5/6 days before my 19th birthday, what a great birthday present! Never been to a games show before, I hope to go to a games conferance or something one day...Tokyo would be amazing but I'd be happy to go anywhere! So many things I want to do in such a short lifetime with such little money. Oh dear.
So all in all, a great day. I am in such a good mood now. Hope it lasts! :D
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