Okay so I have decided this weekend is a break from revision since I've just done two exams. Lazy I know but I really don't have the energy at the moment. I did attempt to do some English notes earlier but that didn't last long. So I have spent the day watching vidzone on the PS3 basically. I love it. Who needs a music channel now?!
I'm very tired and would like a hug. Feel like I've been isolated from everyone recently. It's like I'm in a cage and the bars are revision and exams. Still, it will be all over soon and then I can go to Thorpe Park with my best friends. Then I will be a happy bunny...or Minx.
Got my "Hermione" jumper in the post today from ebay. I love it, it's great! I can wear it as everyday wear too as it's a very flattering shape! My costume is coming together nicely, now if I could only find that old school tie...I've lost it. Damnit. Might have to buy one but I don't really want to because it's more money isn't it. Hmph. I'll find a way around it I'm sure.
When my dad came home with the food shopping, he'd brought ESB. I looove ESB. It's a very strong beer and it's yummy. Dad said "It's too strong for girls, you can't have any!" Bollocks it is. I can out drink some men you know! He said I can have half a bottle. Will have to do I suppose.
Tomorrow we are apparently going to Bournemouth for shopping and such. 'Spose I will go, have nothing else to do and I haven't been shopping for an age. Plus staying cooped up in this house isn't doing me any good.
MGO pics have been posted by JB, they are very funny (see above picture!), Stew is still working on the video editing.
Currently listening to: Evanescene- My last breath.
"Holding my last breath, safe inside myself, are all my thoughts of you. Sweet raptured light, it ends here tonight..."
God I love Amy Lee, I'm extremly jealous of her talent and looks. Grr.
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