Tuesday 9 March 2010

18 pound.

Today I was woken up by a text from Lee Groom telling me where he lives. Odd I know. I told him he must have texted the wrong person and he apologised. I went back to sleep. Was later woken up by the cleaning lady making a huge noise in the kitchen before being forced out of bed for her to tell me I haven't cleaned the floor or taken out the rubbish. She said she'd come back at 11:30 so I went back to bed (as it wasn't even 10 yet). Then I got a phonecall from Alex and we spoke for an hour before my phone decided to die again. I got up and dressed after that and went to go wash the kitchen floor. There was still dirty water in the cleaning bucket thing. I feared that it was full of disgusting water and it was. As I poured it down the sink (which Jon should have done since this must have been his doing) it absolutly stunk. I thought I was going to throw up it smelt that bad. Obviously someone has indeed pissed on the floor of our toilet or something and that was a pathetic attempt to clean it up. One of Jon's buddies no doubt. How fucking hard is it to aim or indeed clean up properly after yourself!!!!! Makes me so fucking angry. I didn't want to have to deal with that sort of bullshit this morning.

Anyway, I somehow stomached this and put some warm soapy water in the bucket and cleaned the floor after brushing up bottle caps and such (another mess left by Jon's party). I then took the rubbish out which was mostly full of glass bottles so the bag weighed a ton! I came back upstairs, had some breakfast and chilled out a bit. Then later on the cleaning lady was back and complaining that I should have vacuumed the hallway. For fucks sake. She didn't not register that complaint before! So, a bit like a mother, she made me hoover the hallway then fucked off again. Now, okay I should have done a better job at cleaning but what really REALLY pisses me off is the fact that Jon last week left the kitchen in an absolute state and I mean it really was horrid. He'd obviously done fuck all the clean it. But did he get charged or even moaned at? No, course not. This annoyed me because poor Ellie had to clean up two weeks worth of kitchen mess this week for her cleaning check. I also suspect Jon has done fuck all the clean the toilet or shower yet he hasn't got charged again. Makes me so angry, I swear that guy does fuck all and I don't even know why he's at uni half the time. Gah.

So, Final Fantasy 13 comes out today. I am not a FF fan, not my type of game but my friend Matt is which means he'll be playing that non-stop pretty soon especially as he's pre-ordered it so he should have it today. I have no problem with this of course except the fact that he may be taking over my flat for the next week or so. Of course the guys kinda do this anyway but it's going to be even harder to kick them out now. But hey ho, I shall do my best. Off to lesson soon, woop de doo.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry! I promise I won't hog your flat too much! =P
