Well last night I decided to go out with my good friend Alice to the student pub, the Reg. We walked there, it was a lovely evening, we had a discussion about religion and things. We knew a group of people when we got there, were IDed several times before we were allowed to drink. I got a glass of Pimms, we then sat down with Alices' friends. They weren't close friends of hers but she knew them better than I did, they all went to our college. I couldn't help feeling ignored as they asked Alice how she did but not me. The nicer people though like Dave asked how I did and I asked in return. Alice made the point of actually, very few people had failed and therefore not gotten into the university they wanted to go to. Which was brillaint! There wasn't many unhappy people, but I guess you may not go out if you'd failed!
Anyway as the night progessed on we met alot more chatty people, or should I say drunken, and we slowly got more and more tipsy. A guy called Lewis, who really, really reminded me of Quentin Tarantino for some reason! Said he hadn't seen me since new years eve and I said oh God don't remind me, it was so embarassing. But he didn't laugh at me or anything, he said he'd been sick that night too (in his mates house and in the street) and that he didn't remember anything past 11pm except sitting on Alices' sofa with a bucket on his head while Alice begged him not to throw up on her parents brand new carpet. Sounded a laugh! Infact a couple of other people I saw at Alices' new years party were there, none of them brought it up though thank God, Sam is one of those people to look down at you for things like that but he didn't so that was great. Infact he spent most of the night taking the piss out of Alice because she pronounced Trident with an e sound instead of the normal a sound. It makes sense because it's spelt with an e but it still sounded funny. Also, Alice had seen Pearl Jam at the O2 a couple of nights ago so she talked about how Black was the best song ever written all night to various different people. Jake kept argueing that it wasn't, even though he'd never listened to it!
Anyway, Lewis was pretty drunk, by the end of the night he'd had all 11 cocktails on the cocktail menu plus 2 pimms, two jagerbombs...god knows what else. The Reg closed at 12, a little earlier than usual! Me and Alice were going to walk home, we'd thought it be good to walk lewis home to as he was so drunk! The entire time we walked home I needed to pee, damn alcohol goes straight through me and it was half an hour walk! I held on though, thank God. The entire way home Alice was looking after Lewis and they were having drunken rants about people who pissed them off (namely jayne and Emma). I couldn't even begin to get involved, I was concentrating on getting home, fast. Plus I had no problems with those people, I couldn't relate but I could see why they hated them, they had fucked them over. I hate it when so called friends do that.
Lewis turned to me and said "List 10 people that you hate" and I said that I didn't really hate anyone! Alice then said "Laura's an amazing person, she doesn't hate anyone, she's lovely!" which was a really sweet thing to say and Lewis agreed that I was lovely. Aww, I really was feeling the love yesterday! Alice walked Lewis on home and said that she's text her brother so he'd make sure she'd get home okay, I asked her to send me a text when she got in and she did. Before I went to bed properlly last night, I read through all my text messages I got through that day and (this is going to sound weird) but I actually started crying. Proper, full on crying, I couldn't stop! But they were tears of happiness, tears of realising what fantastic friends I have, how many people do actually care about me. Everything is just such a relief, all this stress has been worth it because my life is now finally moving foward, I just feel so positive about my future now. It's taking a wee while for the impact to calm down! Plus I suppose the alcohol didn't help, obviously made me over-emotional! But I want to thank all the people who said I could do it, who had faith in me and who sent me lovely messages. It really does mean the world to me. Even though there have been conflicts recently, I know I have the best friends in the world, I dunno what I would do without you guys <3
Ahh this is making me emotional again :') I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and saw my right eyelid was all gross and swollen. Great. I have conjuctivitus! I'm supposed to be going out for dinner tonight! Though I really don't feel like it, but I can't leave Stacey by herself, she didn't know if anyone was even going or not! Poor woman. I have to go...even though I've got this damn horrible cold and such. I'll text Jo and see if I can go with her...otherwise...well I don't really want to go alone!!! Oh man, I need some sort of magic potion please. I've been looking up uni stuff this morning, turns out I will need to take a crappy TV with me to uni although I have to pay a TV licence, I have no idea how much that will cost! My parents have a spare TV I think though. I'll need one for my PS3 :D Well, when I get one that is :/ I also found out that I can indeed have over-night guests for up to two nights in a row, as long as they sign in and it's a maximum of 6 visits a term or something? It's brilliant that they even allow that! I thought I might have to bring friends round in secret or something haha. Yet more forms to fill out, I will have to discuss this all with mum later.
Currently listening to: Florence + the machine-Drumming song
"There's a drumming noise inside my head and it starts when you're around, I swear that you could hear it it makes such an almighty sound. As I move my feet towards your body I can feel this beat, it fills my head up and gets louder and louder!"
LOVE this song :D
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