I somehow managed to walk down to the bank yesterday to set up a student account. The guy I saw was very nice but he seemed a bit nervous, odd guy, he set up my account as well as giving me a credit card which I'm not sure I wanted but I guess I don't have to use it if I don't want to. The annoying thing is, I got a letter just now telling me they'll automatically change my current account to a student now! For fucks sake! So now I'll have two student accounts?! I may have to go back down there today, not sure I can be bothered, I still don't feel 100%.
Yesterday after dinner I went to go try MAG and I did, it's great, the best way I can describe it is like Killzone 2 but bigger and better. It's a bit confusing to get used to but I eventually got to grips with what was going on soon enough and in my last game last night I was 3rd place in my team! My team always won too, epic winrar. But after an hour and a half of playing I just could not play anymore. I felt worse and worse as the day went on. I thought I just over-exerted myself or something but now it was obviously the light cold I had had suddenly hit me hard. I was hot but shivering at the same time, I felt kinda sicky and my body ached at every joint. I felt like death. So my mum told me to come off and watch a film. She'd brought back Bedtime Stories from the library, I thought oh God but I didn't have much choice as to watch it. It wasn't that bad actually, Adam Sandler was as funny as always and Russell Brand was in it too and he does make me laugh. I used to hate that guy but then I watched his show "ponderland" and have somewhat fallen in love with his comedy ever since. The film had a typical cheesy Disney ending but apart from that, it wasn't bad and original idea anyway.
I had to go to bed at about 10:30pm, I felt like I wanted to die, everything hurt. I took some painkillers before I went to bed then headed upstairs, I got to sleep by about 11pm. Earliest night in ages! I woke up at 9:30 this morning and felt very awake and alot better so I got up which shocked my dad, lol. I do feel alot better today, my neck still aches but I don't think that's because of the cold. I'm a bit sniffy still and my throat kills but at least all my joints don't ache and I don't feel sick. Feeling all hot and cold last night had be worried I might have swine flu or something but obviously not. I'm too tough to get godamn swine flu ;).
Hopefully I can play MAG for longer tonight! It is great fun and I actually know how to play it now! Haha. Mucho love to all <3
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen-Black ice
"And I'm all out of breathe, nothing is left. So cold there's a chill between us, so cold it will never leave us."
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