Well today has sort of been an eventful day. My mum and sister went shopping together leaving me by myself for a few hours because my dad went to work for an afternoon tea-dance. Yay! So I sat down and played COD: World at war because I'd never played it before and everyone's been ranting about how great the zombies mini-game is so I'd thought I'd try it. Had a fun session with Craig doing the co-op campaign mode, though I'm ashamed to say he totally owned me points wise! Alas, 3rd online game in I got a 10 kill streak! In a later match I dominated the competiton with 31 kills, 3 assists and only 7 deaths. Get in! So all in all, that was rather fun.
I then decided to make some biscuits (I need to practice for later plans, mwaha), to looked through the two student cookery books I'd been bought last xmas. And yes, I was thrilled with that present...anywho I found one for ginger biscuits. Yum. So I got all the ingrediants together and started to make them. I split alot of ginger everywhere, great start! Then realised I'd put in too much ginger, woops, so they might be slightly hotter than expected...I knew there was something wrong because the recipe was telling me to put in alot of flour in comparison to the other ingrediants. When looking at other recipes for simular biscuits my suspisions were correct! Stupid recipe! So my mum had to come in and save the day by basically adding a shit load of golden syrap to make the mixture into dough! It sort of worked. I got a few biscuits out of it.
They look fine but I'm not sure what they'll taste like, suppose I'll find out later! I wanted to ice them with that stuff you get in squeezy tubes but it seems we don't have any. Bum. Oh well, that's that idea ruined!
And as you can see from the picture, yes those biscuits are rocket shaped! I was going to save it as a surprise but you blog readers can have a sneak preview. I brought a rocket-shaped cookie cutter in Brighton so I could make all the rocket minions cookies for Game on! Hence why I wanted some icing, I want to do one with each persons MGO name on! Of course next time they will be plain biscuits and not godamn ginger ones! So I hope I can make you all some for game on! Since Jenivere did the cookign last time ;) It won't be as epic as her cake but I'm never going to live up to her am I!!! Hehe.
I thought we were meant to be MGOing tonight for Alex but he hasn't said anything or text me back so I've no idea what's going on. If he doesn't get back to me before 7, I won't bother playing as we played last night. 8 people! It was epic, just like old times except matt and stew were missing. Sadface. Still, good fun :)
Waiting for my mother and sister to return from walking the dog so I can double make sure we haven't got any icing and I've got a very funny video to show Sami on youtube. Fresh prince of Gotham, ahh thank you Jen for posting that, I laughed so much!
9 days till results!
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen-Love in a million shades
"Life could be easy, we could have everything..."
LOL Rockets! Wooh x
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