Another great game of MGO last night, good times, only 6 of us but it was enough to have a few decent games for a couple of hours. Got to play the new maps for a change too, woot.
Feel alot better today, it's only my throat and this cough that are getting me down really. Last night I stayed up until 2am with Stew, Iain, Martyn (who left earlier than the rest of us) and John. It was a random conversation, largely sexual which doesn't bother me in the slightest haha! Craig was drunk and seemed to be hitting on every girl possible. He told me "He loved me.....as a m8". Okay, fair enough, then later on he said "wuv ooo". Oh dear. John said I should tell him "I only sleep with the minions", fucking lolcats! Of course I found this so funny, it had to be tweeted! However, I think they may be used against me in later life!!!! Was a very funny conversation though, good times :).
I woke up to having a weird dream about me working in a pet shop, with a really annoying customer very similar to "somegreybloke" (if you don't know him, youtube him, very funny). Odd dream. Anyway I eventually dragged myself out of bed into the shower, I got under dressed and to my horror, a bruise I had acquired lately (don't ask lol) had turned bright yellow and purple! I'm not even joking, it looks disgusting. Funnily enough, it doesn't hurt AT ALL, it just looks....sick. Eww. I tried not to look at it, freaks me out lol.
Had bacon and egg roll for lunch, nom nom. And my dad started banging on about "how I'm going to get a massive shock when I go to uni". Umm yeah, you forget I lived with Bex and Marn for a week in a foreign country. I'll think I'll be okay. I know it's slightly different and I'm not saying living on my own won't be weird, but I won't be on my own, they'll be loads of other people in the same building as me! I think my dad's trying to rub things in or something. No matter how hard it is there's no way on hell I'm ever telling him that, otherwise he'll be all smug, twat. He's never even gone to uni, he lived with his mum until he married my mum so he can shut the fuck up. He was such a spoilt child, so he can't say anything against me. Plus I despise anyone who says "You don't know how lucky you are", I'm telling you dad, there's SO much you don't know about me full stop. Sorry, ranting about parents again, the bane of my life! Haha.
I stole Battle Tanks off Alex after lunch, it's okay, not bad but I got bored easily and played some rocket cars. The servers were playing up, making me very frustrated. I saw Iain was playing Resi 5 for the first time and I fancied playing it, especially as I needed to get the Gatling gun trophy now that I'd unlocked it. I got it pretty quickly and am now trying to get every weapon possible for another trophy. Then I have to upgrade them all to the max *groan* will take me years! Mind you, the other day me and Alex started our way through co-op mode and hot damn we make a good team. My awesome Resi knowledge came in handy for him and his sniping skills came in handy for me so everything is working out just peachy so far, considering we're doing it on hard we're not too bad at all! And I've been assigned "shotgun girl" (win!) so crowd control is mai speciallity ;). Hopefully we will continue soon! Need to complete it before I go to Uni :(.
Dad said he then wanted to use the backroom so I was forced to quite Resi. Want to play The Force Unleashed at some point (won't be until tomorrow now I suspect) because it now has trophies. I'll delete that old save then and start a new! Gives me a good reason to pick it back up again so why not :). I cannot believe it's half 5 already, where has the day gone?! Mental. Xfactor on tonight along with a host of other trashy TV programs, huzzah! As I said to JB, "Almost the perfect night in...almost" :P I think he got my hint hehe.
Currently listening to: Katy Perry-Hot 'n Cold
"You change your mind, like a girl changes clothes. Yeah you, PMS, like a bitch, I would know. And you, always think, always speak, crititically. I should know, that you're no good for me."
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