Well I was going to save to do this later after I'd come back from having dinner but i'm so bored waiting for vidzone to update I may as well do this now and comment on the night out laters!

The picture above is when we were in Brighton and we found Dyke Road! I was extremely hyper at this point as you can see (don't lock me up in a car for hours, the energy just builds up!!!) and this pic is great, makes me smile.
Went onto Home to check out the updates but it was all a massive disappointment to be honest, a few new things but it kept crashing/freezing on me so I guess I'll look at it another time.
My sister wanted to make some Domo-kun cookies but unfortunatly only two of them ended up looking like him! Might be able to post a pic later if she uploads it. They taste yummy though, trust me :)
While I began to write this, my entire family turned up (well, almost). My auntie (the one without swine flu!), uncle, gran and grandad all turned up. It was nice to see them, haven't seen them in a while and I showed them my holiday photos from tenerife as they're stored on the PS3 (makes for excellent slideshows). They liked them and were glad I had a good time. They've all been to Tenerife 10 times together as a family. Wow. I would prefer to travel to different places personally, than to keep going back to the same country. But that's just me. So yeah, I probably wouldn't go back again, would like to visit somewhere new. I want to see the world!
Me and JB stayed up late again, having hilarious conversations! I'm really confused as to whether to buy this Princess Leia Slave costume (see picture). It's hot but it's nearing £40 and I haven't got the money to throw away on things I haven't got the oppertunity to wear right now! But hey, if anyone throws a fancy dress party soon I'll buy it :) The best quote goes to JB last night, I showed him a hilarious Jabba the Hut costume, he said if I got the leia one he would get the Jabba one and "I'll shuffle round Portsmouth with you on a leash". Haha! Hmm JB very kinky indeed. I did mention we may get stopped by police but it's ok, JB will just release the Rancor!
I have to go now, going out in 10 minutes and I'm not ready!!! Will blog later tonight too :) x
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