10 days. 10 days until I find out my results. I'm rather excited really (because I'm a weirdo), I've always liked getting work back and seeing what I got for it. I'm not sure why. I'm just a nerd I suppose. Unfortunatly, my friend Alice knows she hasn't done well. She's very smart but she knows she's failed Biology. Mainly because she had a shit teacher, who never taught his class much at all. And because Alice had a rather bad attitude towards him, it seems he never really bothered to teach her. Okay, so Alice may be slightly to blame here but I know Alice could do great in this subject if she had a decent teacher because she's much smarter than me. So I do feel really sorry for her because obviously she's not looking foward to results (as I'm sure many people aren't!). This means two things. 1, will I get to walk with Alice to results or will she want to be alone? I hope not because me, Bex and Alice always walk together on these kind of events. The 3 muskateers! If worst comes to worst, me and Bex can still walk together or all 3 of us will walk and Alice will open her results somewhere else. Obviously I want to hang around for a bit and let my teachers how well I've done! Or not as the case may be lol. I'm sure I'll be fine though, as people keep telling me!
2, this also means (probably) no celebrations :( So what am I going to do when I get them? Go straight back home afterwards? Yay. I did that last year, though AS results aren't exactly a biggy, I wasn't even nervous then, though of course I was still glad I did ok. Actually I did better okay, 2 Bs and a C! That's good for me. People seem to think I'm smart, and sure, I know a lot about certain things (mainly because I love knowledge, knowledge is power, I want to know everything I can know, I love learn, see geek!) but I'm not great at getting good grades. There are a lot more people smarter than me! Although I suppose I do have 10 GCSEs and that's more than most people, scarily enough. So yeah, great, no celebrations! Sadface. Someone come and give me a party please? Or send booze, and I'll drink myself stupid and dance in the street. Actually, that sounds like fun...
What I can gather from my friends facebook wall posts, her baby has been born today on her birthday! Happy 18th birthday, here's a baby! It's a boy called Declan I think. Cute name! Aww little Dec hehe. Can't wait to see a picture now. See, the thought of having a baby doesn't go down well in my mind but then when I see cute little babies or kids my heart melts. Such a softie. Maybe I will be a mother one day? I want to wait a looooooooong time though! Gotta live my life first definatly.
Been looking at pictures of Gwen Stefani, no I'm not turning gay, I just think she's really pretty, plus I've been listening to her music alot lately. That's a real pretty lady, not some slut-bag who poses nude for nuts or whatever. Real beauty doesn't need to get naked. Although, some nude photos are done nicely, like arty if you get what I mean? Ahh now I sound like I'm contradicting myself, I'll just shut up. it's always for the best.
Currently watching: Vidzone-Gwen Stefani-Hollaback girl
Gwen looks too cute as a cheerleader...maybe I am turned gay haha!
"Few times I've been round that track, so it's not just gunna happen like that coz I ain't no hollaback girl, I ain't no hollaback girl."
Everytime I hear this song now...I think of that family guy episode (the one that's a homage to Stephen King, great episode).
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