Ahh my womb really hurts :( lol. Stupid female body! Taken some painkillers, hoping it will wear off soon.
Today I was alone by myself in the house (leading me to sing system of a downs "lonely day" to myself all day), my dad was spending the day helping his friends get to the airport, my mum is at work until 5 and my sister decided to go out shopping (although she is back now). I had to lend her all my money (£15) because she's forgotten to ask dad for money before he left. So I gave her money and she went off out with her friend. Thus I was by myself for a fair few hours. I don't like being alone, I'm a people person, always have been although I'm getting more and more used to doing things by myself which is good. I will have to get used to it at Uni! I don't even like going shopping by myself only because it's not nice not having anyone to talk to. But hey, might make a few girly friends at uni I can go out with I suppose :). I'll cope. Turns out tomorrow all my family will be out all day again, so I'll be by myself all day again :(
Still worried about Martyn, whatever it is he's going to keep private which is understandable of course, it's up to him. I just hope he can sort things up, he knows we're all here for him if he needs us anyway. That's what great about the minions, no matter what each of us do, we're still all here for each other, that's a great friendship group right there.
For most of the day I've been playing on the Xbox (shock horror!), good old dead or alive, one exclusive I wish was not an exclusive to Microsoft. Then I had lunch...of sorts...okay it consisted of crisps and an ice-cream bar...hmm. Well anyway, afterwards I turned on the PS3 and then decided there wasn't actually anything I wanted to play...then I remembered my dad had brought Overboard! yesterday. Overboard! is an old PS1 game, kinda tricky to find now, where you are a little pirate ship, seen from birds' eye view. It's called overboard! because when your ship catches on fire, all the little men jump overboard and you have to save them before they drown! Is a bit mental but fun, brought back memories, haven't played it since I was a little kid! I remember the music and the little parrot on the loading screen! It's a parrot, sitting on a bomb, looking down nervously at it until it explodes, turning the parrot black haha. Oh good memories! Dad got it at a car-boot sale for 75p yesterday, epic win :)
John tweeted something this morning which was both horrible and scary. Horrible because it was about a gang of kids and how'd they tried to hang a 7 year old boy! And scary because this happened in Portsmouth, in a park down the end of my fucking road! My sister has just gone to the park with her friend. I did think about warning her but there's no point in worrying her and the likely-hood of it happening again are slim. She's gone with a friend and they're 14, not 7, so they should be fine. Scary to think there are kids like that living in my are though! I knew there was a reason why I didn't walk through that park at night...thank God kingston is a safe town! Safest in London I think :)
And I'm still waiting, I think I'm going to be waiting a long time for things to change. I wonder how long it will be? Gah, why do I do this to myself? :S
Currently listening to: Maximo Park-Apply some pressure
"What happens when you lose everything? You just start again. You start all over again. You know that I would love to see you in that dress, I hope that I will love to see you undress"
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