Last night I ended up staying up until gone 3! It was mental, I had an (at least) four hour conversation about the most random crap with Stew! It began with slagging off Brad Pitt and somehow moved onto religion. Thus we created our own religion, monkeybutlersecksbeerlighteningianity, we thought it had a certain ring to and summed up our religion quite well. Basically, lots of free beer and monkey butlers were involved. Sex or "secks" is predominate in our culture and lightening is the answer to ALL. Join or die :D
At about 3am, my dad actually came downstairs to tell me it was ridiculous to be up at this time. Like seriously, wtf. I think it is my decision, whether I am up or not, I will be doing the same thing at uni, I expect. It is "ridiculous" that he came downstairs to check up on me. Plus, my parents are damn lucky I didn't turn out to be some chav slut who goes out every night, gets pissed and fucks a random stranger. I did say this to my dad (obv I said sex instead of fuck!) and he just turned it into a joke. He turns eveything into a joke when it's not appropiate. It really annoys me sometimes. Like, when I worked at Currys, he made a joke to Kelv (my boss) when I was right there in my own home. That he'd only have to watch out for me if I "started sitting ontop of washing machines." I mean seriously! One, that's an incrediably sexist thing to say, any woman would be offended by that! And two, I'm your daughter, so that's a rather sick thing to say but he just doesn't think, he has no tact. And it really pisses me off. He's not racist, or homophobic or sexist, he can just act like it sometimes because he says something wrong. It's an easy mistake to make, especially as my dad is so naive, bless him (he didn't know what nonce meant, he just said it, me and mum said it was a nasty thing to say, dad didn't realise it was homophobic! It's amazing at what he doesn't know, he'd never heard of crystal meth before either :S). But I know, in my heart of hearts he doesn't mean it, I just wish he'd watch his mouth sometimes.
Funny that I was writing about this and something simular had happened just now and now I'm discussing various things with JB. For example, I was just saying how sometimes I feel I have to just except sexist jokes nowadays because if I say "hey, I find that offensive" people pressume I'm some sort of feminist. So I have to accept it. For example, a lot of people use the phrase "like a girl or you big girl". Now I should find that offensive because, well it's obvious that it's demeaning to women. Especially as I like to think I'm different from "most" women, well let's say 70%? Different from the other 70%. Yeah. I dunno about percentages but anyway shut the fuck up Laura, you're rambling. What I am TRYING to say is, sometimes you just have to take things in good humour. I take the piss out of my own sex (mainly because I agree that some of us, can be pretty annoying/dumb but then again, is the same for blokes). But my humour is pretty relaxed, I will laugh at pretty much everything, it's unlikely something will offend me nowadays but of course, EVERYONE gets offended, at some point. But hey, it's not the worst thing in the world to happen. As long as the person didn't mean to offend you, it shouldn't matter, right?
Had another mini-arguement with my parents earlier. Seriously, they go out to the hospital and then shopping and they expect all the chores to be done? Wtf. I'd happily do them if I was asked to do some but my dad came back and got all sarky when he was "surprised" that I hadn't taken the dog out for a walk. He's not my dog. He's yours. You never cleaned out my rabbit, I don't walk the dog, okay? Sheesh. Plus I was never ASKED to, you don't just fuck off out and expect things to be done, name one teenager who does that? I'm living on my own soon, I'll have to do everything for myself so fuck doing anymore than I need to now! Lol! God I just can't wait to get away. Yes it will be hard and as scary as fuck but fuck having anymore petty fucking arguements. I really think I may have killed myself if I'd failed and had to have stayed here another year!!!!!!
I'm not in a great mood at the moment, as you might have realised. I think it's just tiredness. That and it seems there is no "surprise" my mum and dad are going out for a meal with Sue and Kelv tomorrow night. And they're going for curry so they don't have to take me and Sam. Great, another evening in with fuck all to do. I dunno what mum and dad were whispering about the other day though, that does somewhat confuse me. Oh well. Wish I felt more...what's the word, appriciated? Yeah, that's it.
Currently listening to: Within Temptation-Forgiven
"You'll always be mine, I know that inside, all that's done is forgiven."
This post is made of win. :D