Well I DID plan to go to bed early last night but that kinda went out the window. I was having a chat with the few of the minions as we wished Stewie luck and such and then decided to go to bed. I had text Alex to see how his kids holiday thing was going. I was lying there in bed. Far too awake for my own good when I got a reply, he's not having the best time in the world :(. I text him back then tried to get to sleep but I tossed and turned and couldn't really get comfy or even sleepy, Alex then rung me at what must have been 20 to 2am. So I got up, went downstairs and chatted with him till about 2 then went back to bed. Still couldn't sleep for another half an hour. Think I've completly fucked up my sleep pattern :/ Oh dear...
Anyway I haven't ended up doing much today, arranged what was going on tonight. Amy, Chris and Adam are calling for me before we all walk up to the Old Canal pub which is just up the road from me to go to Kims birthday party. I doubt I'll be out too late, parties usually end around 12, which is good because it will tire me out and I'll go to bed a little earlier for once, she says hopefully! Should be an okay night I suppose. It's a bummer Yaz now can't come (she can't get the time off work) but she said we should do something next week, so here's hoping! Bex also text me today asking if I wanted to go out tomorrow night, I said sure but I dunno where we are going, she has nothing planned she just said, Guildhall? lol. So erm, not sure what's going on there. It's nice I'm finally getting out of the house although I can't really afford to, haha, how sad is that. Pretty fed up of parents telling me I don't do anything, can't fucking wait to move out!
Reminds me, in the post today I got my batman t-shirt (yay!) and I also got this magazine on uni shizz. In there, it gives 50 tips for surviving freshers week. As I was reading through one of the tips said something about tieing up old relationships and, basically, snog as many people as you can. Erm, how about fucking no. Just because I'm at uni does not mean I want to get off with every lad I see. For fucks sake. Why are us teens percieved in this way?! It's not fair. We don't all act like that y'know or WANT to. And ok, you may think well it's only telling you to kiss people. Call me old fashioned but I thought a kiss was mean to mean something? I guess it doesn't to some people, the kind of people who get was with whoever in nightclubs. I couldn't do that. A kiss DOES mean something to me, it means a lot to me. You don't just go giving them out to whoever. But hey, that's just me.
Spoke to Stew today on how his operation went, he said it went fine, now he's just got to wait 3 months for it to heal before he can have the next leg done. So it's unlikely he'll make it to game on! which is sadface but if all goes to plan he'll be fixed in 6 months! I suggested a celebration party! He seemed to like that idea and I think it's a pretty damn good one too if I don't say so myself!
So I suppose I'd better go now, parents are getting annoying. Hope tonight is good fun. At least it's a cheap night out eh. :) x
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