Today has been significantly better. All day I had been looking towards MGO and when we played tonight, it was epic. 11 players at the peak of the match! It was so much fun, great to have some new faces as well as most of the faithful minions. No fighting, just good fun (unless you count Alexs' threat to shove a rocket up my arse? Hmm lol.).
Gamescon has also been very exciting, I didn't watch it like E3 but I read everyones tweets and all the good stuff was menstioned via twitter. MM announced that LBP is getting water! There's a very cute trailer for it to, the water looks amazing although I'm not sure if the pack it comes in will be free or not. I bet you have to pay...
Fireware 3.0 was also announced to be released next month, it includes more customisation (including avatars, copying the Xbox who copied the Wii then? Hopefully ours won't be as lame as theirs.), message icon to show you have a message, changes to friends profiles, more trophy customisation and some other shizz I can't remember. But anyway, it sounds awesome! Can't wait.
PS3 slim was announced, I think it looks rather ugly-ish in my opinion. I prefer a big beast of a machine personally! I have never seen the appeal of slim consoles. Just a marketing scam I think!
2 days until my results, well almost one day now. I'm so nervous. I really don't want to disppoint anyone, or myself. But I can't change things now. I get scared just thinking about it, can't wait to get it over and done with...
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