This morning I woke up at 7, I could hardly sleep last night, I kept waking up randomly. I went back to sleep and was awoken by my alarm at 8:45. My legs felt dead as I walked downstairs, I had some cereal but couldn't eat it all, I was SO nervous I felt physically sick. It turns out I had nothing to worry about. I got to Alices' on time and we waited for Bex who was almost late. We waited outside to wait for her and she came running down the road, ahh Bex, even on results day, she's always late. She told us she hadn't got into Uni, she'd checked UCAS before even going to college. She said she was okay with it, she'd been told of some cool gap year options she had for next year instead. So off we went to college, we got a bit nervous because we saw no one else walking to college!
That was because everyone else was already there, there was a big crowd gathering inside (it was absolutly boiling in there!), we got in the middle of the crowd. They were waiting for the headmaster (good old smiley Frampy!!!!) to open up the hall so people could get their results. We only had to wait for a minute until they let the crowd pour in. There was a damn photographer taking pictures as we walked into the hall, nervous student faces ftw?! I may have been in the background of one of them but thankfully he didn't come over to us later on to take our picture or anything. I ran over to catch up with Alice and Bex who had somehow got infront of me, I CQCed Bex from behind, she wondered what the fuck I was doing haha! I then ran over into my actual queue. They spilt the queues into a-e for example (last names of course). I think my queue was a short one as I got my results first, that and I had ran into the hall lol. Excitement had got to me. The woman took her sweet time giving me my results, I was itching to just grab them off her grr.
Eventually I got them! I rushed over to the back of the room, I was going to wait for Bex and Alice but they were still in line and I really could not wait. So I carefully opened the envelope and saw what I got...B...B....B!? I squealed! People must have been looking at me funny but I didn't care I was so releaved! It meant I was definatly going to uni! I was amazed I maintained my B in Sociology! I thought I did really bad in the coursework, I went over on my word count and my teacher said they'd mark me really harshly because of that but they didn't because I got a B for it! I was also amazed I had infact successfully pushed my C in english language last year up to a B! That was the only one I was really worried about. I got an A in one of the exams! I was like FUCK! But I also got a D in one of them, so that evened things out! If I hadn't have got that D I may have got an A...because in another one of last years exams I was 1 mark away from an A. But I don't care, I did amazing (for me) and I'm going to Kingston uni!
Alice also did well, we thought she was going to fail as she was the most worried out of all of us but she got A A D! Which is the same amount of point as me and Bex (Bex also got B B B), it's 300 UCAS points. So she'd got into Reading uni! I was so happy for her! But Bex disppeared soon afterwards, we had no idea where she went. I was beguinning to think she was more disappointed than she had let in. I spoke to a few other friends there to see how they had done, then Stacey my Sociology teacher asked how I did and congratulated me. I then spotted one of my english teachers, John! I ran over to John and said "John I got a B!!!!" and he hugged me! So I hugged him back! Gotta love John, great teacher and so nice. Then one female teacher walked over and said "John are you sexually harrassing a student?!" and burst out laughing! John said "No, no it was a mutual hug!", of course they were joking with each other and I was laughing too. Hehe! I said goodbye to John and went over to find Alice again. We waited and waited for Bex but had no idea where she was. All the time I was getting texts from everyone I had texted, it was so lovely to get so many nice messages from people :). I tried to ring her but no answer, alice didn't get an answer either. Then she text Alice saying she'd be back soon, she must have been speaking to someone.
Then she told us she was in the library, we went to go and see her and she was looking through clearing. She didn't want to go to a crap uni but of course, only the rubbish unis have got free spaces usually! She decided she didn't want to make a descision on a whim so it turns out she will have a gap year after all to think about things. I am a bit gutted for her, it's hard when both your older sisters got all As at both GCSE and A level. I wouldn't want to have to live up to that...I'm sure she'll be fine though, she's so smart and she believes God has a plan for her so I said to her well I'm sure he planned for you not to get into uni for some reason. She knows I don't believe in that stuff but I said hey, if that's what you believe then that's all that matters.
When we were walking home together, I pointed out that we all got 300 UCAS points! Alice said we were the 300 gang, so I shouted at the top of my voice down the road "THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!". Was so funny! My friends thought I was nuts! Hahaha! So hyper and I also got a text from Kingston telling me well done for getting in! Wow. Didn't think they'd text me! My mum won't be home from work until 5!!! But I did text her to let her know, she said she was so pleased. I rang my dad too, when I got home he told me that Sue and Kelv (my mum and dads friends) had both rang and when dad told Sue what I got she said "Oh, is that good enough?" LOL charming!!!! Fucking bitch! I know what she meant but the way it came across was pretty nasty. Yes I am going to uni, yes for once in my life I do feel good enough! So shh! My housing for Kingston is confirmed and everything! £99.50 a week, ouch. Getting a standard room, gotta fill in a form and send it off, I also have to email Kingston to confirm I want their place, I will do that after I write this I think. Quite scary to think I'm actually going to uni now, eek! But I also cannot wait :)
Going to the student pub tonight! My dad gave me a tenner for drinks (awwww!) that will buy me 5 pimms!!!!! I'm SO going to get smashed :D No clubbing for me, I'm too tired!!!
Currently listening to: Hanna Pakarinen-Love in a million shades ( I really love this song, it *almost* makes me cry, it does however, send shivers down my spine for some reason)
"If I ever get close to you, would you open up your window? Would you smile and let me in? Our life could be easy, we could have everything. We could walk across the water, be heroes for all days, life could be fantastic. Love in a million shades."
Beautiful, no?