Today has been a good day. Last night I stayed up chatting with Jen and JB which was so funny. JB especially really made me laugh which cheered me up as I hadn't had that great a day. I don't know whether that's reflected on today or not but I do feel good today. I had a pretty weird and horrible dream actually. A combination of Alex, Moo and my new uni house but that didn't effect my mood, luckily. At 10am my dad came into my room with a cup of tea which was unusual but nice. I eventually got up, had a shower then the post came. My Totoro backpack (see pic) came today all the way from Hong Kong! Which is pretty amazing since it's only taken 2 or 3 days to get here! Funny that things from Hong Kong come so much quicker than things from America! Anyway I am very happy with him as he's adorable, I shall use him all the time! I am such a child aren't I? Ahh well, nevermind eh! My mates seem to like him so it's not all bad.
My nan and grandad came round today. My nan wanted to see the rabbit which she loved and it's always nice to see them both while I can. I haven't actually done much today (as usual) but it's just been good. I'm all "loved up" as Marnie would put it and excited about what's to come. It's so good to feel positive for once, I hope this lasts!
Currently listening to: Lady gaga-Alejandro
"You know that I love you boy, hot like Mexico, rejoice. At this point I've gotta choose, nothing to lose."
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