First of all my new shoes came today which I love to pieces! Bargain hunter girl strikes again. They were only just over a tenner when they're worth £40+! Ebay is my best friend. So anyway I hopped onto the laptop to put up a picture and see what was going on on Twitter/Facebook. When I checked Facebook Matt had posted a status about getting his uni results and that he'd passed. Finally they'd submitted them to the website! So I logged in straight away to check my results. Basically, I'd gotten all B's with one C. I've failed one module from the first term which I knew about anyway because I'd forgotten to submit half my work with that one. A stupid mistake which I'm now paying for. I'd emailed my tutor (also called Laura) who passed it onto the head of department. She said I'd have to wait for my letter results and they'd give me details of what's going to happen with that letter apparently. So now I guess I just have to wait for a letter. Overall I'm really happy with my results! I even got one A- for part of my multi-media news writing course. I'm happy I am doing well in Journalism!
After that was all sorted I went to town to go shopping with my mum. I didn't buy anything I just wanted to get out of the house really and try out my new shoes (which are really comfy). While I was walking around Alex was texting me. He's complaining that I'm getting Bossman a birthday present and not him. Now way, way before his birthday, when I asked him what he wanted, he said I didn't have to get him a present and that he just wanted to see me. So I thought fine, okay, I don't have to worry about it then. But now he's complaining out of jealousy. I realise he is probably only joking but in all honesty, he never got me an xmas present anyway, he still owes me money and not to mention him getting my hopes up about going to Thorpe Park together. Which I now know will never happen. I didn't think it would anyway but I wish he wouldn't say things like that and get my hopes up for no reason. Never mind eh. Personally, I don't think he should get anymore presents until the situation changes, that seems fair doesn't it?! :)
I'm sure he can take his anger out on me in MGO tonight which should be good if we can get a few people online! Good times ahead but man this day is going slow.
Currently listening to: Maroon 5-Misery
"I am in misery, there ain't no body who can comfort me. Why won't you answer me? The silence is slowly killing me. Girl, you really got me bad, you really got me bad. And I'm gunna get you back, I'm gunna get you back."
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