Today was another boring day. Or so I thought. I started off playing Dragon Age whilst chatting to Alex on msn who was playing Alien Vs Predator with Matt. He then invited me to come play with them so I thought why not and joined them. Luckily in most games we were Marines, the only species I have played as so far. And boy did we kick butt. Game after game after game, no one could defeat us! Okay, we did eventually get beaten but it took a long time for anyone to really challenge us. I went from being ranked 1 today (I've never played the online before) to rank 9! Win. It was so much fun, we had an msn conversation going on at the same time to make it easier to communicate without headsets. We did come across one game where some kids had some headsets which was really annoying because they kept saying "my name is so and so". Eugh. I was sat there ignoring it when I heard Alex shout "SERIOUSLY GUYS! OUR NAME IS SHUT THE FUCK UP!". I laughed so much! Of course it just provoked everyone to start saying shut the fuck up to each other but luckily the game started soon after that outburst so we couldn't hear them anyway.
But yes, overall those games we had together made my day! It was mucho fun and looks like we'll be getting together for more games in the future! Good times.
Also, before I even started gaming today, I got two PSN messages. One was someone trying to add me, they'd seen me post on one of the Playstation blogs which was discussing female gamers and developers. He said "good for you sticking up for yourself. I'm Tom by the way." I think that is so nice! Okay, so there's a danger he might just been looking for a girl gamer to hit on but we shall see. For now he has charmed me and I've added him. The second message was by someone who's not on my list and who I don't know at all. I'm not sure where he got me from, maybe he too saw me posting on the blog? He sent a message simply saying "Are you a girl". I replied: "Yes, why?". Later on I got a reply ignoring my question and saying "How old are they". Which leaves me to guess that he's both foreign, or just has poor grammar and is possibly hitting on me. I've ignored him for now. If I get anymore prying messages I guess I'll have to block him. Girl gamers. We get all the weirdos...
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