Before going out for this me and Alice had agreed to just go to the pub and not go clubbing because she was skint for money and I had a feeling things would go tits up as last year her birthday was a disaster. People wasted their money and got pissed off...it was bad times. I saw last night as going the same way because, much as I love Jo, she's on of those people who gets stressed over nothing then forces people to do what she wants. Even if it is your birthday that's kind of out of order. Anyway I had dinner early and got round to Alice's for quarter to 6-ish. Marnie said she'd meet us at 6 which I told Alice wouldn't happen and surprise, surprise! I was correct as usual. To be fair it wasn't actually Marnie's fault this time, Jo was having a "hair crisis" and then she had a fake eyelash crisis. I HATE fake eyelashes. Marnie was wearing some too, I just don't see the point! Yeah your eyes look nice but everyone knows they're fake and it's just more trouble than it's worth. Anyway, we didn't end up meeting Jo (who lives down Alice's road) until 8! She'd asked people on facebook to meet at 7 so she was kind of letting her guests down, if anyone else actually turned up.
The plus point about leaving with Jo though was that we got a lift to the Guildhall from her mum, free taxi is always made of win. We got to the pub, all had a drink or two each. Amy arrived and she brought her work collegue with her (who's 50!!!!) because this mate of hers had just been dumped by her boyfriend. No offence to the lady, as she was nice enough, she was one of those people who you just think are like "the scum of Portsmouth". She had teeth missing, she has three kids (one in each decade) and her ex-boyfriend sounded like an alcoholic. She was nice and friendly and funny but it was a bit odd being out with a 50 year old when we're all 19...
We were all pretty merry by a certain point (especially as Alice and I had a couple of pre-drinks) so everyone was very giggly and silly. Alice suggusted we stay out. I didn't have a key to mine (as stupidly I didn't think I'd need one) so she said I could crash round hers. I agreed as I was having a good time and we didn't go out until 2 hours later than what we thought so neither of us wanted to go home just yet. We were talking about me sleeping over at Alice's as we walked out of the pub. Unfortunatly one of the bouncers there caught the wrong line of the conversation. I said "It's okay I'll just be dirty tonight" (as I had nothing to sleep round Alice's with) and he of course had to respond to that which was really funny. He said something along the lines of "you can come and be dirty with me if you like!" which all made us laugh. Oopsy!
Before we moved onto Lloyd's bar Alice wanted to get some money out and I rang my mum (before I was too drunk) to tell her I'd be sleeping at Alice's because we wanted to stay out and I didn't want to come home late and wake her and dad up. She said that was fine but asked what I was going to do with my contacts. As of course I had contact lenses in and I can't leave them in while I sleep. She said to find a plastic container to put them in and I was sure that would be easy enough. So I said goodbye and we all continued to Lloyd's Bar.
The bouncers at the bar before we went in made the "who's mum is this?" joke about the older lady who was with us which was a little embarassing. Jo snapped "We're all just friends" which worried me a little as Jo has had problems with bouncers before and it's because she gets arsey at them...luckily the guy didn't seem to notice and we got in fine. Alice and I had Jaegerbombs as it was two for a fiver so she brought the first two and I brought the second two later on. We downed them (which she was better at than me!) and then joined the others of the dance floor. It was mostly chart stuff but remixed. It wasn't too bad. A remixed version of Lady Gaga's Telephone and Alejandro came on so I was happy! We danced ourselves into a sweat. Even Amy's older friend was dancing with us. But we go too hot as one point and walked outside to cool down for a bit.
Alice and Marnie were talking (Alice was banging on about Sean yet again), I was sat next to Marnie not being involved in anyones conversation. Jo was standing up next to the drain I was sitting over, talking to a guy I didn't know. I was sat their, pretty bored but glad to be cooling down and giving myself a rest, when Jo dropped her phone. It went straight down the drain...fail. It was hilarious at the time because 1) It was a pretty retarded thing to do 2) it went straight down the gap 3) everyone was attempting to lift the drain cover off saying "Oh sometimes they just lift off". Everyone eventually accepted the fact nothing could be done about the said phone and so we left it and went back in.
Jo's older sister and her mate had also now joined us in the bar but Amy and her friend had rudely disappeared! From what I said to Jo, she reckons they went off to a pub together. I thought that was really rude of Amy to just go off like that without saying anything to anyone! Ignoring that fact we got more drinks. Me and Alice sat down for a bit as our feet killed, espeically hers, my shoes were behaving well actually. After we sat for a bit we joined the others on the dancefloor. According to Jo's sister's mate, Jo was only just starting to freak out about losing her phone. Great. Something for her to get stressed about we thought! I cannot recall the number of times Jo's lost or broken a phone. I'm serious. I have never ever lost or broken anything really. I've hardly gone through any mobiles. I honestly don't understand how people do it! It's so stupid and it annoys the hell out of me. Anyway we thought we'd just be careful with Jo and went to dance. The music had now just turned to plain chart stuff (no remixes) and then it eventually went from that to proper club and dance music. It wasn't bad for somewhere that's free entry! Me, Alice and Marnie danced out socks off. We even saw Karl there and I had the urge to go and hug him but the sober part of my brain thought he might think I was a bit weird so I didn't. He danced with us a bit though.
We'd all got to the stage where our dancing was mental, especially me and Marnie dancing together! We were having so much fun even if we were getting tired. I practically got lap danced by Alice at one point because I sat down to take a rest while the two fo them were still going. Marnie then disappeared for a bit and came back saying Jo wanted to leave now. This pissed off Alice. I didn't really mind as I was pretty tired myself but it was a bit annoying how people were getting ordered around. We went outside where Jo was. Nina, whom I haven't seen since school, was there which was nice and they were all round the drain again where her phone had gone down. Alice and I almost pissed ourselves laughing when a girl was saying to Jo "Even if it's broken it will still ring". Erm no dumbass, even a phone is broken or it's not, simple! If it rings (which it did) then it works! Nina was trying to ring up 3 at midnight to cancel Jo's contract which was also stupid. You can't help but laugh at these things. Then Alice was talking about Uni and Sean yet again and I told her something about myself which shocked her. Don't you just love doing that? Then Alice heard Katy Perry's new song was playing and wanted to go back in just for that one song. So I went in with her and we danced to that then came back out.
When we came out Jo and Nina (who'd been the people sat by the drain) had had water chucked at them from a window above which wasn't nice. This of course was the last straw for Jo who now wanted to go home because (as she said to Marnie) she was "fed up and bored" which of course Marnie and Alice took in offence. Jo went home in a taxi with Nina but us three stayed out as we were hungry and wanted to get something to eat before we headed back. Marnie and Alice were moaning a lot about what had happened. I actually wasn't that bothered for once. It hadn't really affected my night, it had still been so much fun even though there was a teeny bit of stress. Alice and I got some chips to share and Marnie got a subway before we got a taxi home.
Marnie went back to her own house and I crashed at Alice's. It was 2am and we talked until 5am about various things. It was nice as I felt I could be more open with Alice than I had been before although she did talk about herself a little too much. We tried to go to sleep at 5am which was horrible as it was REALLY light by then. Alice went to sleep pretty easily but I was sniffing because of my hayfever and it didn't help Alice had a cat (which I am slightly allergic to) so my nose was running the entire time. It was horrible. When I woke up at 8 I was surprised that I'd fallen asleep at all! Alice had woken up at the same time as me and I decided to head off because I though tmy parents would be going to carboot and I didn't want to miss them. So I walked home, my heels in one hand, a plastic box with my contact lenses in in another, still in my dress, my hair a mess ( though Alice was insistant that I looked fine) and because I didn't have my glasses, I couldn't see two feet infront of me. Probably best that I couldn't see the odd looks that people were probably giving me!
I'm so knackered. I will definitly sleep well tonight! I think I've gone for long enough now.
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